Jred Annihilator

Jred Annihilators are members the the Jred superspecies. They are incredibly large assault beasts, effectively biological tanks. Jred Annihlators are powerful, incredibly difficult to kill, and lethally armed. They are less psionically attuned than most Jred, bearing nervous systems so slow and rudimentary it sometimes takes several minutes for a mortally wounded Annihilator to realize it is dead. These creatures extremely dangerous even to units of heavy equipped soldiers. Jred Annilhators are found only in small numbers, and only on hotly contested worlds where the Jred worldminds are fighting heavily fortified groups of well armed humans.
Animal Hits Speed
Jred Annihilator 125 8m
Skills Athletics (Strength) 4, Athletics (Endurance) 3, Gun Combat (Natural) 3, Melee (Natural) 5, Telepathy 0
Attacks Bioplasma Cannon (1DD, Range 500m, Blast 5, AP 10), Twin Bioplasma Rifles (6D, Range 200m, Auto 2), Chitin Scythes (4D, Auto 2, AP 10)
Traits Armor (+20), Diseased (Jred Infection/12+/2D/1D Hours), Large (+5), Psionic , Tough
Behavior Carnivore, Killer
Average Height
4.2 m
Average Weight
1,150 kg
Average Length


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