Jred Flood

Jred Flood are small scavenging organisms typical of a world well into infestation by the Jred, though less common after a planet has completely become a Jred World. Jred Flood travel in great numbers, acting as living waves, devouring almost anything that crosses their paths, often including other Jred lifeforms, even when on a world that is coordinated effectively. Jred Flood bioforms are incredibly simple organisms, but are incredibly diverse in overall shape, size and coloration. Individual members of the flood are not especially dangerous to prepared travelers, but Jred Flood encountered in nature always travel in large groups, and move fairly quickly. Jred Flood bioforms are however, captured in small numbers to study by scientific laboratories with better safety, or less concern for it.
Animal Hits Speed
Jred Grazer 2 6m
Skills Athletics 0, Survival 0
Attacks Bite (1)
Traits Diseased (Jred Infection/12+/2D/1D Hours)
Behavior Omnivore, Eater
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length


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