Jred Hunter

Jred Hunters are members of the Jred "superspecies", a seemingly feral version of the warrior organisms found in more aggressive Jred consciousnesses. Jred Hunters are typically pack creatures, hunting their larger grazer brethren in a replication of other biomes. Hunters can summon large numbers, and indeed when a conciousness detects intruders, Hunters may arrive in numbers to destroy them. Like most other Jred bioforms, these creatures are hostile to non-Jred, and will attack if they detect them more often than not, though they are often not as coordinated as the Assault bioforms that are directed by the Consciousness. Jred Hunters are comparatively small for a non-Avian Jred bioform, being roughly the size of a human being, though are extremely dangerous.
Animal Hits Speed
Jred Hunter 28 15m
Skills Athletics (Dexterity) 2, Athletics (Strength) 1, Melee (Claw) 2, Melee (Bite) 2, Recon 2, Survival 1, Stealth 1
Attacks Grappling Maw (1D), Claws (D3, Auto 2)
Traits Alarm, Armor (+5), Diseased (Jred Infection/12+/2D/1D Hours)
Behavior Carnivore, Chaser
Jred Hunters stalking the landscape by Nightcafe
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length


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