Jred Scourge

The Jred Scourge was a major conflict fought between the Stellar League, the unified government of the human race, and the Jred, a superspecies hailing from the rim of the galaxy. The Stellar League fought an increasingly desperate battle against growing Jred might and intelligence, and only managed to survive the conflict through the use of a dangerous plan and absolute secrecy, that managed to destroy the capacity of the Jred to wage an organized conflict, at the cost of a psionic war. The Jred Scourge was devastating conflict that nearly destroyed the human race, and led to the collapse of interstellar civilization.

The Conflict


The conflict came to an end when the Stellar League executed Operation Vendetta, a major operation that was the result of decades of secret intelligence gathering and careful preparation. The League launched a major attack against the largest concentration of spaceborne Jred bioforms, and destroyed the great bioantenna at the heart of the concentration. The resulting psionic backlash destroyed higher, galactic scale, Jred consciousness putting an end to the conflict. However it also destroyed most jumpgates, and disturbed jump space to the extent that only higher technology vessels could reliably survive jump space without catastrophic misjumps. The breakdown of interstellar communication and transport caused the breakup of the Stellar League.


The Great Cataclysm that was birthed from the destruction of the Jred's galactic mind, nearly brought an end to interstellar civilization, and shattered even the vague pretense of unity that had humanity had been living under since the establishment of the United Nations Emergency Mandate. Humanity entered what was called the Long Night, an age of technobarbarism that saw the fracturing of society, and in some cases the regression of various civilizations to a pre-interstellar state, and a less severe, though nearly galaxy wide regression in technological capaibilites of the newly independent human realms.
Conflict Type
Start Date
~1. January. 3957 (AU 3860)
Ending Date
1. April. 4104 (AU 4107)
Conflict Result
The Destruction of Greater Jred Consciousness, the Collapse of the Stellar League


Stellar League


(circa 3957) Sol Sector Fleet: 750 warships (Including 9 battlestars), 3,210,00 fleet marines, 10,570,000 sol defense force Sector Defense Forces: 29,556 warships, 150,180,000 colonial marines, 8,710,172,000 planetary defense forces
(circa 3957)
hundreds of billions of planetary bioforms
thousands of spaceborne bioforms


Unknown, in the hundreds of billions, or trillions, tens of thousands of ships
Unknown, estimated to be in the tens of trillions


Survive Eliminate the Jred Greater Conciousness
Unknown, presumable the consumption of humanity


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