Lucid Thursday


C U Next Friday

Lucid's new persona is gonna be the down to earth "Next Friday" who believes in the reality of continuous time and the existence of history.   We complain a lot about paying a 30,000 docking fee   I party with some slightly dirtier types, and learn that an entire planetoid of miners and scientists and etc have all been fired by Lazarus Corporation   automated security, maybe i can hack it   theyre asking us to head in and try to dig up some dirt s they can get revenge.   Corporate espionage, detective work, etc

FASCISTS in WILD SPACE? Its more likely than you think.

After a Pariahan front corporation lands to survey as well, we investigate
  • 6 person operation
  • it would take a long time to figure out more
  • looks like they weren't expecting a fight, doesn't mean they're aren't ready tho
  • It doesn't appear to have weapons, and it looks to mine overall in design
  • same kind of ship as Peter's though, so it's been modified
  • Shmooze-a-rama

    Benat sees a familiar ship pull in, syncestrean stealth ship or something.   Lucid orders a concoction of an "americano" and finds it to actually be made as a latte, asks to have it fixed, but realizes it's actually her childhood best friend Lyle! Hes brokering for his dad's family now. She learns that her little sister is linging up to take Dad's council seat, and she is visibly disturbed by it. But she works to make herself interesting enough to be a fascination to him. She knows that where she thrives best is as a clown.   She works to reestablish her rapport with Lyle, so gives him some help in picking out his outfit for the soiree. Charming him, so that he agrees to try and mine some information about the syncestreans in attendance with Lucid.   Lucid is wearing a jumpsuit with a train, that is decorated with fiber optics   Aidan wears a locally purchased opulent suit, but failed to acquire a pocket square, so Lucid provides one for him and folds it nicely   12 groups of people, the syncestraeans - the big gal is a captain, there is Partian AI in the ships. (Benat knows that she IS a partian AI!!!) Lyle and his posse Deepak Kang- outfit is a cross of late 18th century high royalty, smashed with current haute couture bullshit, his hair is in a circular halo shape hanging off the back of his head. when lyle finally introduces her, she kind of embarrasses herself. Countess Asma in a ballgown

    The Journal Entry’s title

    Signal seems to be discombobulated by an un-updated software   I caroused up a pilot named Ashvari maybe?   DRESSED A COWBOY MESS at the auction house, with the "nice refreshments"   We are serving major cowboy vibes, but we've completely missed the mark, because the actual vibe is ARMED TO THE GILLS Jigarthanda beverage drink   WE STAY IN A GIANT MANSION...... BUT AT WHAT COST???

    Given That You're Saying Combat

    We're doing a fake sting on Blood Rat Blade, and take his products as "evidence" while being spied on by some Martian Marines or whatever.   Lucid might be a little distracted by the scary summonings she has thus far ignored from mom and dad.   Dad= Ludibrium Thursday Mom= Heiress Thursday née Elyria   Contraband = 1 Basilisk War Frame, 2 Crates Type 622 'Killer Eye' Gun Drones (approx. 24), 2 crates Type 62 Individual Plasma Weapon (approximately 60) (basically souped up plasma rifles with fancy attachments)   Peter tells some good lines, and impresses the Martian Marine Types, very convincing arrest   Lucid makes up some pretend documents to get us past this point   And then Lucid is really happy to fake her death, is already plotting a change of name.   Rolled a 10 to namedrop Dad. Blech, yucky, but it meant we didn't have take apart the warframe.   We've arrived at Cygnus now tho, phew

    The Journal Entry’s title

    Family sent coordinates to genymede (Moon-glag)... very threatening, and I looked them up and found out that mom got a promotion, and dad got shuffled into state defense.   I am now a preliminar member of the Guild   Our plan for picking up the goods from Blood Rat is making like it's a sting operation, and we are delivering him to "You Know Who" for interrogation.

    Today's Episode

    "You know I could say something, but it has just as much of an effect as not"   Earth is still hunted, some of the red spots move (cause of life forms)   Parent's sent me coordinates to Ganymede, asking me to meet them there. (Space Gulag)   So I deleted the message, because that sounds like a problem for Later Lucid   I also dumped all of the nasty R34 esque messages into my homegrown LLM, with the intention to create the most vile chat bot possible

    Getting Recognized at the Turkish Cafe?!?!?!

    *A montage of Lucid Thursday, now with her new dark purple hair, and muted wardrobe choices. She is seen looking wistfully out the window as stars blink past, sweeping morosely through the peeling golden walls of the Venator, and removing her tear stained makeup*   "Hey guys, you've probably noticed that I haven't been online much anymore. I've been going through a bit of a brand-identity crisis"   "But today we get to spy on my coworker as he goes on a date with a previous fling"   Lucid, (as DrrtyThursday of course) is seen applying a disguise of some sort.   "I've been mostly spending my time reading, studying... researching..."   "Now my transformation is complete, you shall henceforth know me as.... SnEaKyThUrSdAy"   Lucid is now seen seated in a cafe, wearing sunglasses indoors   "This date is super lame, they're just talking about work. And this coffee I ordered is waaayyy too strong"   The coffee is a very very pale tan color. Lucid frowns as she stirs another packet of sugar into the coffee. Suddenly she looks up, having been distracted from her mission.   "Peter just left her to finish her lunch alone? what a dick."   Lucid is seen rushing out of the cafe quite clumsily. She is now seen stalking Peter as he crosses town, almost getting hit by a car at least once as she jay walks.   "A second lunch Peter? really? what are we, Plutonian?"   voices in the distance are captioned on screen in pink and red comic sans.   "you mightve seen mumble mumble ambassador"   "Pretty impressive mumble mumble some stream hacker just got busted for weapons trafficking. don't you have a stream hacker on your crew?"   "That streamer is crazy! she's been underground for months!" Lucid shouts, lowering her newspaper. We can see a figure approaching her from behind. The camera falls and goes black.   "My... my knee pits? You recognized me by my knee pits?"   "You... have a freckle..."   Thus begins an impromptu meet up, where Aidan keeps knocking and destroying cameras from admirers. Lucid is having a good time, but is becoming increasingly aware of her compromised anonymity. I make 150000 Credits.   There is a discussion of burning off the identifying freckle, facial modification, the acquisition of pants, etc etc

    Returning from ZOOZVE

    We have no idea if we are being tracked "Oh shit- was that my job?" -Lucid   "The Union of Sol shouldn't give you much guff, unless there is specifically a Union of Sol official who is gunning for you." -James "Someone remind me to dye my hair tonight" - Lucid   Now we arrive at Sar-dookie-ah theres one called UREA


    Aidan and Benat have gone into the facility, accompanied by two flying guns and Astrid (for 10,000 credits, which I've taken out of Lucid's Account)   three teams roving the hallways, groups of five, meaning there are five combatants who are unaccounted for   "MIL ENCRYP SUITS" sticky note on monitor   two of my flying guns got fragged to shit   WE RAN AWAY AFTER KILLING THREE OF THEM   it has been revealed that part of why lucid ran away is an arranged marriage to a cousin   Peter: give yourself another study week I think?   We lost two of the researchers   Portable Plasma Gun, Human Portable, and Battle Dress
  • it can do 1 d6 times 10
  • This was a planned attack, almost certainly orchestrated by Opus Dei, the level of armaments is not unprecedented for them, but not particularly common

    Lost in the VOID

    We misjumped, and barfed all over the fucking place Benat apparently did some kind of foolish self sacrificing bullshit, but somehow survived. At least Peter got a week of studying in during the jump


    We are accosted by the black hand as we leave Greg's World   after Peter just fucking hangs up on the Black Hand who is trying to hold us up, we consult Miku for the best course of action. She analyzes the available data on the opposing ship and our own ship's capabilities, and recommends Running The Fuck Away. Peter cheers because his suggested strategy was to evade and run the fuck away.   Astrid is finally doing what her ACTUAL job is, and looks great doing it.   and Hatsune Miku does indeed fuck shit up, playing musical selections such as The Chicken Dance, Spanish Flea, and the Paw Patrol theme. She also forcibly explains and reccomends homeopathic remedies to the crew, annoying one individual to the point of self spacing sudoku.   Finally we skedaddle away and misjump to safety (?)

    The Journal Entry’s title

    Begin writing your story here...

    PASTIEST and SPICIEST Restaurant Ever!!!

    We failed to find a fence for the bio-implants, so spectacularly so that Benat was arrested. Lucid goes on a date with one of the customs agents in bribing for Benat's freedom The date is awkward, but suitable, Astrid and Peter serving as chaperones. The food is paste that they add seasoning to? and spread on bread. It was 1,000 credits a head. Benat is released in return for the date and 40,000 credits, and he appreciates the doggy bag we have still failed to sell our implants The influencer discount was so measly it might as well have been an insult. 2 stars Astrid found someone to sell our other medical supplies to, and we all took home 50,000 credits


    purchased over 300,000 Credits worth of drone swords and guns! And then spent 22,850 credits worth of a laptop It has a decryptor level one, and expert packages advocate and tactics for naval miku I also bought a sarcastic mirror and a ring laser   Astrid Jensen... O-O   We're taking some cargo, gotta close the case again quickly

    Sea Shanties are so this season

    10-20 credits at diner
  • Rocket pie (+50 rad)
  • Make sure you finish it all so you can get the coupon for 10% off your treatment on the bottom of the pin.
  • I got THREATENED by CANNIBALS? Storytime.

    Cringe-fail space port is essentially a helipad constructed from rusty parts of a crashed space-liner Accommodations at the Gillman hotel “We appreciate your appreciation” Lucid sprained her ankle jumping on the bed, could have ended up in critical care The water is salty and phosphorous The Debris field is not worth traversing According the old calendar it was settled 1500 years ago Lost contact 500 years ago Mapostates, black hand, ravaged, they do not belong. We will tolerate foreigners, apostates will not be permitted to land. The food is godawful, finishing the potatoes On the way back to the ship
  • They heard Arkip and Aidan psychically communicating
  • Lucid is oblivious
  • Flying back to the Scout Ship
  • A missile rockets past us at like, mach 15
  • just then, the S.S. Good Times flies out of the space station in orbit, and takes out the missile
  • Arkip goes down from a piece of debris of the explosion.
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