Myriad Humanities

In the ages before the New Frontier, humans had adapted to the realities of interstellar survival in many ways. Indeed, seeing a truly unmodified human is a rarity in most of charted space. This has resulted in a concept of the "Myriad Humanities", describing a united and shared heritage common to all humans, including trans and post-human species. The extent to which people actually believe in this concept varies wildly, though for most, a common past has meant that most of the common varieties of transhuman can live free of discrimination in most of civilized space. As someone's morphology becomes increasingly divergent however, this tolerance is tested, and there are rumors in the darkened corners of the Frontier, speaking of some particularly twisted genetic engineers transforming their fellow people into little more than beasts.

Common Transhumans

New Humanity

New Humanity, known scientifically as Homo sapiens novus and sometimes individually as Neohumans is the most common transhuman specie in known space. Derived from genetic experimentation conducted during the Second Expansion, New Humanity was an experiment to develop persons more ready and capable of adapting to the conditions of interstellar travel. Using experimental panceas and neural programming, Neohumans are more resistant to disease, radiation, and energy, and are more intelligent and creative. These small adaptations made Neohumans much more capable of surviving on alien worlds, particularly those that were un-terraformed, or only in the early phases of terraforming. Neohuman genetic adaption became by far the most common in the later age of unity, and is now accepted as the "default" human.
In game terms, New Humanity represents the default human race, and has no additional traits or characteristic modifiers.


Borgs, short for cyborgs known scientifically as Homo sapiens cybernetica, were a product of the rapid development of cybernetic augmentations, and were particularly common in communities that were more skeptical of genetically adapting themselves. Borgs are simply, people who instead of being heavily adapted on a genetic level to adapt to their environment were instead given medication at a very young age that enables better integration with augments, and have been implanted with a number of such augments as part of their local healthcare system. Borgs are most commonly found on heavily industrialized, high tech worlds, but a number take to the stars, and on some frontier worlds, a culture of augmentation holds firm despite lack of access to resources. Borgs tend not to have hidden augments, as such expensive aesthetic modifications are deemed unnecessary.
END -2, INT -1
Augmented: A cyborg character gains up to three augments with a combined cost of GCr 150,000 or less for free. Augments may not be genetic adaptations, nor may they have the biotech option.
Augment Harmony: A cyborg's body is more in tune with their augments, and is better adjusted to receive more. Augments cost half as much to install. They require only 1D3 weeks to install new augments instead of 1D, and the medical treatment penalty for technological differences is halved.

Star People

Known scientifically as Homo sapiens astreus, One of the earliest attempts at creating genetically modifying people who are more capable of surviving in hostile environments. Star people were however, a private project, which also intended to create people much more compliant, and less capable of organizing a rebellion. The first examples of this project were little more than automata, blindly obedient to their creators. Over centuries, refinement of the creation process, and generational shifts have moderated the impact of this first genetic modification, leaving current descendants, and the newer creations as more whole people, though they still tend to be stronger, and more resilient, and most have a knack for learning technical skills. However, many struggle with creative thought, and the reputation of Star People as being what is for all intents and purposes a genetically engineered slave specie has meant that even today, Star People find it difficult to advance beyond the lower rungs of society.
STR +2, END +1, INT -1, EDU +1, SOC -2
Disease Resistant: Star people are especially resistant to foreign diseases, and receive a DM+1 to all checks made to resist disease.
Nerve Stapled: Star People have had their central nervous system genetically altered to limit the capacity for fear and creative thought, this has also had a knock-on effect since the discovery of psionic abilities. They have a DM +3 to checks intended to resist an fear inducing effects. If tested for psionic potential however, they automatically roll a 0 on the test.

Rare Transhumans


Terrans, known sometimes as the Children of Earth, and by the scientific community as Homo sapiens, represent those who have forgone genetic modification almost entirely and are still, for all intents Homo sapiens of Old Earth. Such people are a rarity, especially after the destruction of Earth during the Jred scourge. Most communities of Terrans are still found close to the Sol system, or in small isolationist communities on the far fringes the frontier, with most of civilized space seeing adaptation of Terrans into Neohumans centuries ago. Those who still have original Terran DNA are often less resistant to disease, and are on the whole slightly less intelligent than Neohumans, which brought about competitive disadvantage. Therefore those who maintained their "pure" Terran heritage tended to be in positions of enormous wealth and privilege allowing them to insulate themselves from the consequences, something which even centuries later has rubbed off on descendants, even those whose families have fallen into decline.
END -2, INT -1, SOC +3
Position of Privilege: Terrans receive a DM +2 for qualification and a DM +1 to survival rolls for the following careers; Dignitary, Citizen (Functionary), Naval Rating (Commissioned Officer). You also receive a DM +1 to promotion rolls for those careers. You receive a DM -2 to qualify and DM -1 t survive the following careers Agent (Intelligence), and Rogue.


Psions, known scientifically as Homo sapiens telepathica, are persons who have been gifted with enormous psionic potential. The reasons for this are various, but the most common in the current day are those who were exposed to Jred spores and their descendants. Oftentimes such people are Jred hybrids, though medical technology has stabilized the mutation, preventing further Jredification, and disconnecting them from the gestalt mind. More rarely exposure to certain other compounds has been found to awaken psionic abilities. Psions are relatively rare in most societies, though a couple of independent systems have maintained large minorities or even outright majorities. Oftentimes psionics are subject to legal sanction or outright persecution, though this is not a universal condition.
SOC -3 or EDU -3
Psionically Active: Psions automatically test for psionic potential, doing so before starting any terms, and receive a DM +2 on the roll. Psions also receive a DM +2 to learn new talents.


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