Patricia Sanchez

Doctor Patricia Rosario Consael Sanchez (a.k.a. Charo)

Patricia Rosario Consael Sanchez is a currently serving director with the Cincastrella Science Directory, and the captain of the NDS Nova Pardia. Born on the world of de Leon in the Oaxaca System of the Confederacy, Patricia Sanchez excelled in her studies as a youth and into university where she studied xenobiology and xenoarchaeology. It was here that she met Beñat Iturri Echazú, and they formed a brief, relationship. Though the two would go their separate ways after university, they would remain friends.   After finishing her undergradute studies, Patricia Sanchez would attend the Zui Liang University of Xenology in the Democratic Republic of Yuanjing, where she obtained her Doctorate in Xenobiology. Patricia Sanchez would complete her studies with a practicum with a survey team in the Mutual Development and Assistance Pact (MDAP). After the conclusion of her studies, Patricia joined the Cincastrella Science Directorate.   Patricia Sanchez worked hard within the directorate for a number of long range expeditions into Frontier Space, studying the ruins of Pardian civilization, as well as surveying a number of habitable, and marginally habitable worlds for colonization by the MDAP. After 12 years in the service, Patricia would be made Captain of the NDS Nova Pardia where she has since spent most of her time exploring worlds in the Far Frontier after the Galactic Surveyor's Guild, has concluded its charting of frontier sectors.  


  • Primary Education: Ecolé Alberto Fermin Zambrano
  • Secondary Education: Colegio Clara Campoamor, de LeonGraduated with Honors
  • Undergraduate Education: University of de Leon Cariñas, Graduated with Honors
  • Graduate Education: University of de Leon Cariñas, Graduated with Honors
  • Doctoral Studies: Zui Liang University of Xenology, Graduated with Honors

Service History

  • 2 Years Mutual Development and Assistance Pact, Office of Surveying and Xenology, As student-worker.
  • 14 Years, Cincastrella Directory of Science, 8 years as junior researcher, 4 years as senior researcher, 2 years as director. 6 Awards for Merit, 14 published papers, Co-Writer on 46 published papers.
Current Location
NDS Nova Pardia
View Character Profile
UPP - 577AD8
Date of Birth
May 1, 4458 (Aged 42)
Femme: She/Her
Current Residence
Science Directory Vessel, NDS Nova Pardia
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: Patricia Sanchez by Artbreeder


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Aug 11, 2023 20:28 by Lia Felis

I like intelligent female characters with great careers, because I owe it to one of them that I dared to start my higher level studies, even though the expectations at home were completely different. Thank You! Great article and a likeable character.

Aspiring fantasy writer and part-time Dungeon Master. Dragon Goddess of Evera.
Aug 21, 2023 17:31

Much appreciated. My players are involved in a story arc involving her right now, so hopefully I'll have more content to add as the story unfolds.

Check out my homebrew worlds: The New Frontier and Getninia