
Prisoners are, quite simply, those that have been imprisoned, for crimes real or imagined. The reasons for their imprisonment range from legitimate, to completely trumped up or unjust. The places of imprisonment too can be quite various, though the unfortunate realities in most of explored space means that most convicts given prison sentences are subject to a life of misery on a distant and barren rocks. Prisoners can be found almost anywhere in the galaxy, but more often than not in Solist states and on independent worlds with an equally autocratic mindest.
Special Rules: Due to the wide array of variances in rules concerning prisoners, please consult the rules found in the Core Rulebook page 53 concerning prison terms, parole, aging, and qualification.

Skills and Training

1D Personal Development Service Skills
1 STR +1 Athletics
2 Melee (unarmed) Deception
3 END +1 Profession
4 Jack-of-all-Trades Streetwise
5 EDU +1 Melee (unarmed)
6 Gambler Persuade
1D Inmate Thug Fixer
1 Stealth Persuade Investigate
2 Melee (unarmed) Melee (unarmed) Broker
3 Streetwise Melee (unarmed) Deception
4 Survival Melee Streetwise
5 Athletics (strength) Athletics (strength) Stealth
6 Mechanic Athletics (strength) Admin

Ranks and Bonuses

Rank Skill or Bonus
0 Melee (unarmed)
2 Athletics 1
4 Advocate 1
6 END +1


1D Mishap
1 Severely injured (this is the same as a result of 2 on the Injury Table). Alternatively, roll twice on the Injury Table and take the lower result.
2 You are accused of assaulting a prison guard. Parole Threshold +2.
3 A prison gang persecutes you. You may choose to fight back if you wish, but if you do not, you lose all Benefit rolls from your prison career. If you fight back, roll Melee (unarmed) 8+. Fail, and you must roll twice on the Injury Table and take the lower result. Succeed, and you gain an Enemy and raise Parole Threshold by +1.
4 A guard takes a dislike to you. Gain an Enemy and raise your Parole Threshold by +1
5 Disgraced. Word of your criminal past reaches your homeworld. Lose 1 SOC.
6 Injured. Roll on the Injury table.


2D Event
2 Disaster! Roll on the Mishap Table. However, you are not ejected from this career.
3 You have the opportunity to escape the prison. If you take this opportunity, roll either Stealth 10+ or Deception 10+. Succeed, and you leave this career. Fail, and raise your Parole Threshold by +2.
4 You are assigned to difficult or backbreaking labour. Roll END 8+. If you fail, increase your Parole Threshold by +1. Succeed, and you may reduce your Parole Threshold by 1 and gain any one of the following skills: Athletics (any) 1, Mechanic 1, or Melee (unarmed) 1.
5 You have the opportunity to join a gang. Make a Persuade or Melee check to do so. If you fail, you gain an Enemy. Succeed, and you must raise your Parole Threshold by +1, but you gain DM+1 to all Survival rolls in this career and may gain any one of the following skills: Deception 1, Persuade 1, Melee (unarmed) 1 or Stealth 1.
6 Vocational Training. Roll EDU 8+ to gain any one skill except Jack-of-all-Trades.
7 Prison Event.
1. Riot. A riot engulfs the prison. Roll 1D. On a 1-2, you are injured – roll on the Injury table. On a 5-6, you are able to loot something useful; gain an extra Benefit roll this term.
2. New Contact. You make friends with another inmate; gain them as a Contact.
3. New Rival. You gain a new rival among the inmates or guards.
4. Transferred. You are moved to a different prison. Re-roll your Parole Threshold.
5. Good Behaviour. Reduce your Parole Threshold by -2.
6. You are attacked by another prisoner. Roll Melee (unarmed) 8+. If you fail, roll on the Injury table.
8 Parole hearing. Reduce your Parole Threshold by -1.
9 You have the opportunity to hire a new lawyer. He costs Cr1000 x his Advocate skill squared. Roll 2D + your lawyer’s Advocate skill; on an 8+, reduce your Parole Threshold by 1D.
10 Special Duty. You are given a special responsibility in the prison. Gain one of Admin, Advocate, Electronics (computers) or Steward.
11 The warden takes an interest in your case. Reduce your Parole Threshold by -2.
12 Heroism. You have the opportunity to save a guard or prison officer. If you take the risk, roll 2D. On a 7 or less, roll on the Injury table. On 8+, gain an Ally and reduce your Parole Threshold by -2.


1D Cash Benefit
1 None Contact
2 None Blade
3 GCr100 Gain Deception, Persuade, or Stealth
4 GCr200 Ally
5 GCr500 Gain Melee, Recon, or Streetwise
6 GCr1,000 STR +1 or END +1
7 GCr2,000 Gain Deception, Persuade and Stealth
Qualification: please consult the core book page 54 for qualification
Assignment: You must choose one of the below as an assignment.
Inmate: Those who pass their terms in prison keeping their heads down, and staying away from trouble as best they can.
Thug: Those who join prison gangs, muscling in on the affairs of others.
Fixer: Those who buy and sell goods through the prisoner's backchannels.
Inmate. END 7+
Thug. STR 8+
Fixer. INT 9+
Inmate. STR 7+
Thug. END 6+
Prisoner. END 5+


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