Space Cat

Space Cats are small mammalian creatures that have adapted well to microgravity environments, they are very popular pets among tramp freighter crews, particularly those on long haul routes with minimal interaction with other humans. Space cats are exceptionally skilled hunters, and are frequently responsible for killing all vermin found aboard ships that cannot afford to purchase cleaning robots. However, ships with space cats tend to be much more accident prone, as space cats have a habit of making homes wherever they can fit their bodies, and knocking things over, and some more superstitious spacers believe that space cats specifically choose fragile, or hard to replace objects to send falling onto the floor. Space cats enjoy the company of humans, and will frequently seek to engage in physical interactions with favored humans.   Space cats are small creatures weighing around four to five kilograms, in this they are largely similar to Old Earth cats in size. What is different between space cats and their earthbound namesake however, is that space cats tend to be taller and longer than earth life of a similar mass, standing over thirty six centimeters tall, and almost sixty meters long. Space cats are fairly robust, despite their unusual proportions, though they do encounter more health problems in areas built to maintain earthlike gravitic conditions. Their bodies are covered in a thick fur that helps keep them warm in cooler environments, though their internal organs are well adapted to extremes of temperature found on worlds with minimal atmospheres. Space cats cannot however, survive in hard vacuum for an extended period. Space cats have sticky pads at the ends of each of their limbs that allow them to adhere to most surfaces, and many spacers have observed space cats with a preference for living on the walls, or ceilings on their ships.   Space cats are obligate carnivores, needing to hunt and consume meat to survive in the wild. Domesticated space cats however, can and do eat food provided to them by their handlers. Despite this, space cats do have a hunting instinct and will chase after smaller animals, they encounter to kill and either eat, or present to their handlers as a gift.
Animal Hits Speed
Space Cat 3 4m
Skills Athletics (Dex) 2, Melee (Natural) 2, Recon 1, Stealth 1, Survival 2
Attacks Claws/Bite (D3)
Traits Heightened Senses, Small (-3)
Behavior Carnivore, Pouncer
by Artbreeder
Conservation Status
Least Concern


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Jul 5, 2023 13:19 by Marc Zipper

Yes we all need space cat for us as companions. I love how you integrated and the differences there are between them and their Earth counterparts. Yeah it could help us say spider cat spider cat when you said that they have sticky paws excellent particle and cool you gave the cat stats to use.

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