University Education

University Education is the basic form of tertiary education, available for generally those who hail from mid or high tech worlds with robust populations, and economies, those that are capable of sustaining major educational institutions. University programs are well suited to careers in high population, high technology, high specialization work.


Choose a level 0 and a level 1 skill from the following list;   Admin, Advocate, Animals (training or veterinary), Art (any), Astrogation, Electronics (any), Engineer (any), Language (any), Medic, Navigation, Profession (any), Science (any)
  Increase EDU by +1

Graduation Benefits

Increase the chosen skills to level 2, and level 1.
Increase EDU by +2


Graduation grants DM+1 (DM+2 if graduation was with honors) to qualify for the following careers;   Agent, Army, Citizen (corporate), Entertainer (journalist), Marines, Navy, Scholar, Scouts.   Graduation allows a Commission roll to be taken before the first term of a military career, so long as it is the first career chosen after university. Success will mean the Traveller enters the career at officer rank (O1). If graduation was with honours, DM+2 is granted on this first Commission roll.
Entry: EDU 7+
-1 for Second Term, -2 for Third Term
Graduation: EDU 7+
Honors Graduation: If 11+ is rolled on the previous.


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