
Kralls are an alien humanoid species. Their skin is in a mixture of blue and purple colours. Males are darker and females are lighter. Kralls have a very militaristic society and are expansionist. They also are distrustful towards other alien races. Kralls see pre-FTL civilizations as nothing more but obstacles to be removed before colonization while dealing with them Kralls use the cleansing protocol which is a total war scenario aimed at a fast victory over the primitives, subjugation, enslavement and resettlement. Kralls are the aliens which attacked Earth.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The ideal environment for the Kralls is warm, dry and very sunny with strong light.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Unique Krallan feature is thinner than the rest of the body skin covering their eyes. The purpose of it is to protect their eyes from too much sunlight. It is a result of Kralls' homeworld being in a Trinary Star System. Because of the three suns, the amount of light was too big for any eye. The protective skin layer is necessary to prevent the whole species from going blind. The downside of having that protection is the need to sustain strong artificial lights in buildings and vehicles because Kralls are blind in a normal light environment. When they started to colonize other planets they developed a device which is put on the head in front of the eyes. It emits exactly the right amount of light to make the wearer see normally in a specific environment.   To be able to function in darkness or a place with less light Kralls have also very well developed hearing, touch and proprioception (sense of movement and body position).


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