Billy Character in The New Territories | World Anvil
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Before coming to Prescott, Billy came from the city of Bol’shaya igra, and acted as an enforcer for a small gang occupying a small section of territory. The gang was largely composed of her best friend Ram’s family, whom she grew up with and considered a family of her own after her scum-bag bio-parents gave her away. Even if the gang was up to hella shady business, they were real wholesome amongst themselves.   One day, however, the government of the city decided to crack down and eradicate the city’s gang problem. Everyone but her is wiped out, as far as she knows. Another friend of hers, a trader/smuggler named Tosca, smuggled her out in a barrel and took her to Prescott.   So upon arriving, Billy is basically like “Uh, I have lost my entire family, am extremely socially needy and extroverted, and don’t know how to process grief. The solution? Find a new gang family to immediately latch onto and bottle that trauma deep deep deeeeep down!”   Billy is super boisterous and impulsive, kinda dumb, very loyal and supportive of her crew. She also has low-key anger issues, is super down to break some kneecaps, and can be a bit of a party animal.   Criminal Contact: Tosca, a good-natured chubby half-orc trader / smuggler / low-key pirate. Has a matching tattoo to Billy of a walrus, a ram and a hog. A sailor, good for international gossip and information.   Barbarian beasthide shifter, criminal background


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