Bowrick Wowbanger II Character in The New Territories | World Anvil
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Bowrick Wowbanger II

Named for his great grandfather, Bowerick had a pretty standard childhood for a wood gnome. Sure it came with some risks and maybe one or two more household magical “occurrences” than would have been considered safe by human parents but for the Wowbangers, that was the sort of excitement that kept life interesting. Bowerick’s folks ran a small magical items shop in his hometown and both parents helped teach their children the basics of magic and foster their natural magical talents. Bowerick’s folks became a little suspicious when he started hanging around with the Ekelson boys at the community theater, but with 6 other kids and a house of arcane objects it was not high on their list of concerns. At the theater, Bowerick quickly fell in with drama kids and set designers. His natural affinity for illusion gave him an in with the group and, as time went on, led to him working at the theater part-time. He would do lighting, special effects, even some supporting speaking rolls. His family’s tacit support turned to outright concern when he announced that he would be joining the troupe on the road. They were touring their production of Drummer on the Veranda and it was sure to be their big break! As a parting gift Bowerick’s dad gave him a wand of pyrotechnics to help him on his new (albeit strange) career path.
His first foray into the world of entertainment did not go as planned. After a few shows of moderate success, the crew was ambushed by goblin looters. All the performers escaped with their lives but the dream was over. The cart was unusable and the sets were ruined. Bowerick was committed to making his own way and, while most of his crew cut their losses and went home, he started slumming it at a disused library. The goblin raiders had chased off most of the townsfolk so no one was surprised when an unsociable and solitary new “librarian” moved in and started teaching himself illusion magic. Eventually the Rural Education Advocacy Directive was alerted to the abandonment and sent an accredited librarian to relieve Bowerick from his so-called volunteer position and so it was that with an aptitude for deception and newly honed illusion magics, he started his new life as a… charlatan? One of his first ventures was to forge the deed to a mine under the assumed identity of a Dwarvan widow and heiress. That went well for a time! Investors interested in her ‘very lucrative copper mine’ jockey for her attention and favor. When interest started getting too hot he filled a wagon full of gifts he’d received and escaped at midnight in an altogether thief-like manner. After living high on the hog and burning through his spoils, Bowerick met back up with the theater troupe at a carnival and toured with them for a couple seasons. He and the crew met a smooth talking Lexadon at a regional fair. They all entered a legitimate business deal after which the carnival wagon was used to “allocate” some “medical supplies'' for a new flavor of Wonder Trunks. After carnival season Bowerick returned to doing solo work, living off the foolishness of the gullible, going from house to house, and eventually slumming with a senile granny in Prescott.

Criminal contacts: On The Veranda Performers Troupe, a small band of actors musicians and stage hands. Bowerick is still tight with the Ekelson boys and the troupe. They mostly provide respectable entertainment but sometimes things go missing when they leave town.


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