Crypto Character in The New Territories | World Anvil
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“Crypto” lived a (potentially?) happy and carefree life in the feywild for some hundred years before a rift in planes landed her within Os Novos in the druid-run Clouded Island. Excited for a new adventure, she learned the druid ways and aided in their protection of the island and it’s exotic creatures. However, the now constant seasonal changes affecting “Crypto’s” high emotional existence pushed the druids to their limits, and they recommended that she take more of an “offensive” role with protecting the forests. Preferably far away from them. So “Crypto” traveled north to the edge of the forest where she found the bustling metropolis of Prescot. For the last 25 years “Crypto” has haunted the city trying to take it back for the forest with chaotic acts of -- mostly benign -- ecoterrorism. Planting trees, releasing livestock, trying to destabilize the gold standard with “Crypto Currancy;” she is a perpetual thorn in society’s foot.
  There is little known of her hundred years in the Feywild. Like her true name, she does not speak of it.

  Then she died. And was brought back to life.
By Chaos.

  Criminal contacts: Almost everyone in the city would know who “Crypto” is generally for worse rather than better. The city guard is especially well acquainted with all of her seasonal appearances and moods, and generally believe she isn’t worth locking up since she is especially good at escaping in the dead of night. She has sometimes led full jail breaks during her escapes, so a few petty criminals could be in her debt, but aside from the party members she does not bother to learn people’s names. “Crypto” considers all elves her siblings until proven otherwise, and has a special fondness for the city rats. There is one ratman named Greck in the Southern Spits who cultivates mushrooms who she thinks very highly of.


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