Episode 19: A Sandstorm in the Sewer in The New Territories | World Anvil
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Episode 19: A Sandstorm in the Sewer

Episode Summary

  • Talked to IAmOne, said goodbye
  • Went down to the sewers, trudged through some sewage
  • Crypto made a ball of sewage with the dust of dryness
  • Found the opening where there was the water elemental
  • WubDub plays Darude’s Sandstorm, pacifies the water elemental
  • Encountered Grubbers, found out they don’t have any language, communicate through dancing and body movements
  • They took us to their shanty town, met more grubbers
  • Continued into the sewers, found some exploding bacteria balls and spiders
  • Engaged spiders in combat

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    Doodoodoodoo dooooo


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