Episode Eight: Truth or Dare in The New Territories | World Anvil
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Episode Eight: Truth or Dare

Episode Summary

  • Last at the school of Illusion to convince them to sabotage the other schools
  • Flick, Senior Champion, says that would be against the rules and isn’t worth it.
  • All Illusion students just get blazed and get Trampo high as well
  • Discovered that Giuseppe from the brothel spotted Trampo. Had some debauchery
  • Lucifer escaped, Wub Dub and Billy catch him and both persuade/threaten him to stay with them
  • Paid Flick off for some more information: Gotta smash the crystals not just because we need to destroy their special item, but also because the crystals are also cameras
  • Flick doesn’t know much about the umbrella
  • Go to an Abjuration school party, Bro It Out
  • Start up a drunken game of Truth or Dare and dare the students to go into the academy and get the owlbear drunk. Tells us the password and the need for a student ID, learn about some various hazing traps
  • Accidentally set off a real Owlbear

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