Episode Eleven: And The Winner Is... in The New Territories | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode Eleven: And The Winner Is...

Episode Summary

  • Breaking into Divination, busting crystals. WubDub and Bowrick from the sky, with a fly, and invisibility.
  • Land on top of a surveillance crystal, cover it with a sheet, crawl in the window.
  • Trampo and Billy hanging around back, disguised as a guard and a super fan. Convinces a guard to let Trampo in. He eventually gets knocked out after a push up competition
  • Wubdub has 1 stick of TNT he stole from Trampo, Trampo has 6?
  • Boom in the tower, but time goes back 15 min after the big crystal gets shattered
  • Bowrick blasts our buddies in the security room, but only WubDub remembers any of it
  • Trampo and Billy smash and blast the security room, ditch the guard in a bush, and we all head back to the church
  • Lucifer gets his own room
  • Chaos exploded a pig
  • Magic loot in the floor of the church, its pretty hot right now
  • We find out from Lucifer that the Illusion lady admitted to being a real cow about everything and it's a super good thing that we didn't go to that school cause everyone was waiting for us. And knew us by name. Especially Billy.
  • Flick is a changeling, Trampo tried to kill him with Chaos. Flick seemed to know something about Chaos.
  • They are cousins of one of the syndicates but we forgot which one ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

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