Episode Five: The Baton Passes in The New Territories | World Anvil
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Episode Five: The Baton Passes

Episode Summary:

  • Wub Dub hanging out with Chaos and Lucifer at the church. Lucifer does not like Chaos. Chaos loves Lucifer.
  • Trampo and Bowrick goes off to meet with the Shangle Brothers ( Mei Mei and Nutrix, integrity Lox, 34:322) to get the identify scroll. Buys one wrapped in a burrito for 350g
  • Go to the Grace. Still a party. Bowrick disguises himself as Stuart. Trampo thinks to are supposed to light the statute on fire (for the ritual) (56)
  • Bowrick makes a speech, rolls a nat one, the statue falls on him. Trampo decries it as another attack, lights the statute on fire. Bowrick lights a dildo torch and rejuvenates the crowd. Church officially is now located at the church.
  • Physical descriptions of the church (1:18)
  • Crypto plants a pomegranate seed, and ten pink toads appear. She touches one and it turns into hellhound.
  • It attacks; Crypto turns into a wolf to lead it away from the church, Wub Dub pursues.
  • Billy comes and fights with them. Together they kill the hellhound
  • Billy has joined the party!
  • Crypto is greviously injured; digs herself into the ground and goes dormant
  • ~*~*~*~BATON IS PASSED TO SARAH ~*~*~*~
  • There are still 9 roads left - shenanigans to recapture them ensue. One turns into a unicorn, another escapes down the street.
  • Everyone passes out at WubDub’s house

NPC Appearances

The Shangle Brothers
Scott and Sporthax

Youtube Link



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