Episode Four: An Introduction to Chaos in The New Territories | World Anvil
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Episode Four: An Introduction to Chaos

Episode Summary

  • Party goes to talk with Big Boss Lady, Dunya, who is amused by the ridiculous chaos the sowed
  • Dunya has the PCs elect to open The Box
  • Upon opening The Box, everything gets all freaky and there is a child inside, who magically imprints on Trampo, Crypto and Wub Dub
  • Hands child over, but child does not want to go with Rybalt, turns him into a pile of organ goo
  • PCs are like “...welp time to go” and take kid with them, naming him Chaos
  • Stopped off at a brothel to get some snacks, Giuseppe the staff member is unnerved by the presence of a child
  • Go back to the statue - Stuart is basically now a fully formed cult leader. Scott and Sporthax are his muscle.
  • A mysterious Chill Touch was used to attempt an assassination on him. PCs use this opportunity to drum up the crowd.
  • Crypto started a guerilla garden in the church district

NPC Appearances

Dunja Lessinor    

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