Episode One: The Job Begins
- PCs vaguely plan, but not really. Go off to bed in their respective locations.
- Trampo goes to pick up Bowrick at the inn he is staying at. Steals a nice old lady’s beloved frogs.
- Crypto tries to steal bread and gets half an old sandwich from a drunken homeless man.
- PCs go back to the statue, find a big crowd. Stuart is now a fully dedicated acolyte of the Grace of Pleasure.
- Alya, an acolyte of the Grey Graces, approaches them and asks them to cease and desist. PCs refuse. She is displeased.
- The PCs rent a cart, put it in Stewart’s name, and head off to do the job.
- Bowrick and Trampo approach the front gate with the cart, with Bowrick disguised as Do’Grilla, inquiring as to whether a package may have been mistakenly dropped there. Trampo rolls a Nat 1 for disguise, and just looks like himself but kind of dirty. Just a weird awkward interaction all around.
- Crypto and Wub Dub burrow under the wall, sneak into the stable and start releasing the horses. Light the building on fire. The chaos begins.
- Guards open the gate to help deal with the horses and fire, allowing Bowrick and Trampo to sneak in.
NPC Appearances
StuartGranny Greenleaf