Episode Twenty: The Gang Goes Spelunking in The New Territories | World Anvil
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Episode Twenty: The Gang Goes Spelunking

  • Combat with spiders, smash them all
  • Crypto calls out in rat, a rat appears and gives some directions, tells them that there are flesh golems farther down the hall
  • Party notes that that’s probably what the prison is doing with the bodies
  • Party short rests. Billy makes chitin friendship bracelets for everyone
  • Party continues through the sewer, finds three flesh golems. There is a shaft at the end of the hall
  • Figure that the hall is under the Chop Shop
  • Party moves on, finds a weird mushroom man.
  • Mushroom man speaks into Crypto’s mind. Guys has no name, but has a wide fungal network. Asks if he knows a way up, says the only way is past the mounds of flesh.
  • PCs try throwing a Bag of Tricks Giant Badger down the hallway with the flesh golems. Golems kill it immediately.
  • Keep exploring, find the following:
    • A bedroom full of fungus, a Beak Tree and Greck’s journal.(2:01) He left the sewers because the flesh golems were freaky
    • A bunch of weird human-sized wooden cages
    • Another giant spider. Bug gets bashed.
    • Barrels that had been full of acid
    • Some dusty moldy living quarters
    • Some rooms with chains and manacles on a wall. A prison under the prison.
    • Mold indicated that there was a lot of blood around. Maybe this is where the prison first started experimenting with people?
    • Some papers on a table - Billy crumbled them in her hands
    • An iron stamp seal - A mouth with jagged teeth, a rune inside of it. Symbol of The Beast: A dark god of insatiable hunger. Crypto had heard Druids talk about this before - Creature of darkness that would like to devour everything. All the stuff in the basement fits their MO - destroying things to nothing.
    • Crypto looks in a cauldron - Black ooze exploded out cauldron at her

NPC Appearances

Mysterious Mushroom Guy
Greck...'s journal?  

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