Episode Two: ?? Profit in The New Territories | World Anvil
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Episode Two: ?? Profit

Episode Summary

  • Trampo and Bowrick are surrounded by guards. They pretend to be Ash(the stable boy) and James Baxter to get away from them.
  • Crypto turns into a horse and Wub Dub stealths on the side to enter the house.
  • Trampo leads the staff downstairs and the crew follows soon after. Gangster guards in the basement call them out and battle begins!
  • Trampo falls down the stairs, Crypto unleashes some vines, and WubDub introduces the WubDub special.
  • Incapacite house staff, murder gangsters
  • Inspecting the basement the crew meets Lucifer. The crew makes their first promise to Lucifer of a mansion to live in.

NPC Appearances


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