Nymz of House Ularak Character in The New Territories | World Anvil
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Nymz of House Ularak

Nymz was born the elder of two sons in a noble drow household, House Ularak. While the drow are a matriarchal society and male children are generally at the very very bottom of the heap, Nymz’s mother, Olobara, went against convention and loved her dear boys so very deeply. The noble house had enough sway and she was such a much feared warrior that, while others thought this idiotic, no one dared openly sneer or threaten harm upon her boys. Nymz himself was also still very slight and feminine, so he was generally tolerated and doted upon by their mother. His younger brother, Kethan, was not so much. He was large and had a brutish, masculine build that would not be overlooked, and was subtly harassed in ways that Nymz was not. Often by Nymz himself. Nymz grew up an arrogant pretty boy with a rich mother who spoiled and coddled the shit out of him. And because of the influence of his mother, others treated him similarly. Nymz just assumed and internalized it was because of how awesome he was, and grew up understanding that the world revolved around him, despite the fact that he is a complete idiot. And as siblings so often are, he was a total dick to his younger brother, always lording how pretty and talented and well liked he was over him. Kethan grew up lonely and bitter, and so began to study.
  Nymz spent most of his life living lavishly as a socialite dandy. Kethan had been off and away for two hundred years or so, though Nymz didn’t think much about him. Until one day, Kethan came back having finally managed to amass the power needed to become a lich. He went on a rampage with his undead goons, slaughtering everyone in the household except for Nymz, including their mother Olobara. Kethan kept Nymz alive, stating that everyone who had coddled him and protected him was now dead, so now HE gets to find out what it feels like to be an outcast.
  After that Nymz vowed that he would take his revenge on his dipshit brother. BUT, still being an entitled weiner, he was not interested in earning or working hard to get the power to do so. So after some rough times actually experiencing what being a boy in the Drow Underdark is like, he traveled to the surface and started asking questions. Eventually he learned about and came into contact with The Raven Queen. She said she would grant him power if he vowed to kill as many undead as possible, to which he happily agreed.
He has since been traveling around as her Hexblade, murdering zombies and falling in love with gritty dwarven paladins.
  He is still a very fancy idiot.


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