Skud Character in The New Territories | World Anvil
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Physical Attributes

  Skud is a small, scrappy orange kobold. He is missing several teeth, constantly goopy eyes, and is followed by a faint odor of sweat and chili. He has wrapped knuckles and a tattoo of a dragon on his chest which is always visible because keeps his shirt unbuttoned uncomfortably low. Skud has a chubby tummy and little lizard manboobs. He speaks in a shitty boston accent.  


  Skud is first introduced in the campaign when he hails down Trampo the afternoon before the Day of Gray Graces. Addressing him with faux familiarity, he invites Trampo to a game of cards later at The Hall tavern for a game of cards, telling him to bring some friends. There, he and Two Tongued Turaka introduce themselves as representatives of the Assembly of Sinners and offer them the House Heist job.    


Two Tongue Turaka


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