The Church of Grey Graces Organization in The New Territories | World Anvil
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The Church of Grey Graces

The Church of Gray Graces revolves around death and the nature of an individual’s death. The primary tenet is to accept one’s mortality, to strive for a good life in the meantime and to seek out a Good Death (a favorable and meaningful means of dying). The primary figures of this church are the Grace of Mercy, the Grace of Peace, and the Grace of Glory, each representing a Good Death.
  The physical church itself is a large gray stone building. The primary space is a large amphitheater which prominently features three large, roughly 20ft tall stone statues of three women, representing the Graces themselves. Each wears a different outfit, though all wear flowing gray robes and their faces are covered by hoods. The first, the Grace of Mercy, wears robes similar to those that the Healers within the hospitals of Prescott wear. The second, the Grace of Glory, wears paladin-like armor under her robes. The Grace of Peace wears simple, humble acolyte garments. Each also wears a halo of flowers - The acolytes of the Graces often wear pewter pendants with three skulls, all wearing flower crowns.
  The actual faith of the Church of Gray Graces is rather small, but once a year has a pretty big presence in the city of Prescott. The Day of Gray Graces is meant to act as a day to honor the Graces, and vy for their favor in bringing about an favorable death. People go to the church and leave personal items and gifts in the basin of the Grace they hope to oversee their death; Warriors may seek glory, people suffering from painful ailments might seek mercy, etc etc. The church states that they use these funds for general maintenance throughout the year, as well as funding their many charitable exploits.
  Although the actual church itself has a relatively small congregation of devout followers, on that particular day the whole city celebrates. While devotees may be more solemn in their celebrations, the general public uses it as a party holiday, claiming it as sort of a YOLO type of thing. The shops are all overflowing with goods, people are spending lavishly, feasting and partying as a means to celebrate their time alive before their inevitable death. It’s very akin to how Christmas in the US has those who are devout Christians and take it as a more serious celebration relating to the birth of Jesus, while most of the population is all about the presents and family time and merriment.

Known Acolytes

Artin Ledetur

Known Worshippers

Alyosha Popov
Religious, Organised Religion


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