Wonder Trunks Inc. Magical Items in The New Territories | World Anvil
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Wonder Trunks Inc. Magical Items

Magic Items Bowrick Billy Crypto Trampo WubDub Chaos
  • Sandals of levitation
  • Parasol of Power
  • Black Hole (6x10)
  • Potion of Comprehension
  • Wand of Magic Detection
  • Wand of Pyrotechnics
  • Deck of Illusion
  • Bag of Holding
  • Spiderball??
  • 3x Holy Oil
  • Spider Shield
  • Weasel Bomb
  • Ring of Telepathy
  • Ring of Telepathy
  • Feathers?
Buried at the Church
  • Crab Tank of Kwalish
  • Potion of Longevity
  • Mirror of Life Trapping
  • Bonsai Goodberry plant (5 per day)
  • Mirror of Life Trapping
  • Robe with stars and galaxies
  • Gerbil Grenade
  • Turtle Bomb (flash-bang)
  • A birdcage with tiny human skeleton inside
  • Several Books (Scary stories, History,
  • Bone Helmet (Very high quality)
  • Dragons Bane on his shirt
  • A fish named Jimothy


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