Wub Dub Character in The New Territories | World Anvil
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Wub Dub

Wub Dub grew up in Prescott’s South Spits and aimlessly wandered the alleys, rooftops, and markets for the majority of his life. Stealing what he needed and stealing what he didn’t, Wub Dub quickly lost track of his parents during a particularly busy day at the market and hasn’t seen them since. Seeking protection from the world, he befriended a street musician percussionist named Bonk (a fellow Kenku) and panhandled while learning to make music.    After discovering the potent and surprisingly addicting Rouge Ox, Wub Dub simply became a thief to support his now full blown amphetamine addiction. One day he met Trampo while he was peddling Wonder Trunks and became quick friends. He considers his current family to be Trampo, Bowric, Crypto, and now Chaos. Lucifer is okay, but Wub Dub doesn’t really like cats. Stewart is also just okay.


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