
During the great darkness at the end of the thrird Order the human race was reduced to shattered groups of survivors. Their cities stood emty, their fields deserted. When the shadow finally lifted from the world for reasons unknown, quiet lay over the Land.
Realising that they had finally put the years of darkness, mankind arose again from their knees. Yet many things were lost forever to the days past. Much knowledge and skill, all lost to the dark days.
But as history had shown before, mankind was not easy to defeat.

Civilization and Culture


Little is known of history during the early days of third Order. During the dark years that lasted for an uncertain amount of years the skill of reading was as good as lost. All that is left of history are folk tales passes by word of mouth from generation to generation, changing faster than the waxing and waning of the moon.
As a result, not even the reason for the dark days nor their end is known but many tales are told, one even more incredible than the other. And as all folk tales they are full of magic and mystical beeings.
Scientific Name
created by the gods
60-80 years
Average Height
5-6 feet
Average Weight
60-70 kg


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