Ruins of the High Tower

In the lesser populated region of the southern grasslands, south of the Grey Mountains, an ancient ruin has been discovered. Take a small party of researchers and find out what you can about this matter.
Preparations for your guide have already been taken. You will meet Arman  at the Halfway Inn in three days time two hours past sunrise. He will lead your company to the site.
— Orders from an elder librarian
The discovery of this ruined structure was of great interest to the Brotherhood of Librarians, especially since there had been found mentionings in some of the oldest scrolls of a watchtower by the name of "High Tower". There were clearly many that hoped to find answers at this place.

Purpose / Function

Little is known of the original purpose of this ruin. In most of the scrolls of elder days it is only mentioned as a ruin and a place of dread. Yet some writings have been found that suggest a tower to once have stood there. For further investigation a team of researchers has been sent there.

From the report of a librarian researcher:
We have set up camp on the southern slopes of the mountains and begun our work. There are clearly remains of a tower here. First measurements indicate a diameter of over 100 feet. The remaining foundations are extremely solid and strong, there is no sign of weakening of the stone itself, yet they rise no higher than 4 feet from the sheer rock face. To cause this level of destruction, there must have been some incredible forces at work to raze this building to the ground.

The most probable cause for such destruction seems therefore an attack. For the stoneworks themselves are extraordinarily sophisticated. The passing of time can be eliminated as sole reason for the destruction as plants seem to be unable to penetrate the rock as well as our tools. Under inclusion of the thickness of these walls and the elevated position of the foundations above the level grass lands below, it appears, this was once indeed a watchtower or a tower of guard. It might well be the one mentioned in the old accounts.

Research teams situated at the library argue another purpse of this structure:
Next to the mentions themselves of this structure as a watchtower, attention should be paid also to the names that are put to it. There are in fact numerous names with religious background that relate to this place, such as "Torch of he Gods" and "Gift of the Angels" (these are translations of the names mentioned in the original writings). It is therefore to be assumed that the tower had a more religious significance.
This assumption is supported by the many mentionings of demons and other supernatural beings as enemies of that place. It would therefore still be a watchtower and also mentioned as such in some writings. This function would however be more spiritual.

It´s fame and the mentionings found of this tower in very widespread locations further suggests that it was an important symbol of a major religion and that it might well have been a place of pilgrimage, where peoples from many places would have travelled to for the fullfillment of their religious views or to find enlightenment.
Such a status as place of pilgrimage would go along well with the size of the city of which ruins where found around the tower itself. The locals would have profited greatly and lived in wealthy conditions. Skillfully carved wall and pillars and fine wrought armour and weapons that have been found by research team at the location show proof of the wealth of the city.


The architectural skills neccesary for the cunstruction of such a building have so far not been rediscovered.
The stone used for the outer walls appear similar, yet not equal to the stone found in the mountains behind it. Both are dark coloured and very fine grained. Yet the stone of the ruins appear smooth to the touch and refleckt both sun and moonlight. This effect must have been achieved by some unknown process that was applied on the rock of the mountains. As tools seem unable to shape the processed rock in the smallest amount, the rocks must have been shaped first and then processed in the necessary fashion. 
Common theories suggest that the change of the internal stone structure may have been caused by heat or an interchange of heat and cold. As however no other structures have been found, that were built of this material, the production must have been elaborate and associated with high costs. This again reinforces the suggestions of the great importance the building itself and its location must have embodied.

From calculations with the diameter of the foundations, the thickness of the walls and the robustness of the stone, it can be assumed that the tower was multiple hundrets of feet high once. The possible hight varies between 300 and 450 feet.


Most of the documents of the elder days mention this place already as a ruin and a place of dread. It can therefore be assumed that it has been a ruin for many ages already which makes the rather good condition of the site a rare possibiliy to learn about the very ancient days.

Scrolls that mention the building as a whole tower often mention two other things: One is the glory of the building itself. The other is the city that surrounded it. The remains of this city were first discovered only after some digging. The depth in which the ruins of houses and sreets were found and the level of decay reinforces the assumtion that the whole area was destroyed hundrets, if not thousands of years ago.

At the time, both the city and the tower must have been of great significance. There are mentionings of an elite guard and coinciding with this there have been found fine wrought armour parts and weapons. 
A great question remains whom against the tower stood. Almost all srolls mention demons or some sort of desert monsters at this point. These must be terms for an extremely cruel people that seemed to have lived in the Great Desert to the south, constantly trying to invade to fertile lands to the north. Clearly the tower stood strong for a long while as the ruins of the city around it spread wide and bear signs of prosperity.
For unknown reasons and by undocumented weapons however the tower was finally destroyed and the city around it fell. Remains of crueller and simpler buildings were found as well, indicating that the invadig peoples settled there afterwards. 
The tower itself however was never rebuilt. It seems that the skill for doing so was already lost in the days of its destruction. There are also no mentionings whatsoever found on who built the tower in the first place and how.

Afterwards there are only mentionings of a shadow remaining there which led people to avoid the ruins of the tower and the surrounding lands as well. Even the invading peoples of the desert seem to have left the land again as there are no mentionings of them anywhere later on.
The first settlers returning there at the awakening after the darknes found the land empty but fertile.


After the first expedition of librarians, many followed, continuing study on the ruins of the tower itself and beginning diggings around it as well, bit by bit revealing the vastness of the city at the tower´s feet. The site quickly became quite renown, drawing in prefessional researchers as much as amateur treasure hunter looking for items they may sell for a high price to wealthy collectors.
Date of destruction unknown
Founding Date


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