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Silver Under Moonight

Silver Under Moonlight (a.k.a. Silver)

Divine Domains

I mean... probably Trickery... y'know, if anything...

Holy Books & Codes


Divine Symbols & Sigils


Tenets of Faith




Divine Goals & Aspirations


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rather Slender Build -Golden Sun Pendant under Shirt

Body Features

Soft Gray Fur. Rather Large, Fluffy Tail.

Facial Features

Slightly Longer Whiskers. Green Eyes, Yellow Scleroses.

Identifying Characteristics

Small Pink Scar above Right Eye.

Physical quirks

Right Handed. Mainly Relaxed Posture.

Apparel & Accessories

Semi-Tattered Common Clothes. Golden Sun Pendant Under Clothes.

Specialized Equipment

Rather Fancy Moon-Touched Rapier. Studded Leather. Cloak of Protection. Dagger of Guitar Solos. Amberlite Glaive (Warbringer).

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When Silver was young, his life at home wasn't really the best. At best, his parents weren’t really around that often. The only one he could ever really look up to was his older brother, Clouded Sky, who made sure the family was well off by certain unconventional means. Unfortunately for Cloud, Silver began to pick up on these “habits” which soon resulted in a life of... minor rule circumvention. Silver wound up joining a thieve's guild that Cloud was a part of, The Midnight Claws. His skills quickly caught up to those of Cloud, giving him a small reputation as a promising upstart. A year or so after Silver’s initiation to the guild, Cloud ended up being killed on a job. This left Silver almost completely in the care of the Midnight Claws and for the most part all alone.   Some years after Cloud's death and by some stroke of luck, Silver wound up having a chance encounter with the person who would become the love of his life while attempting a... lets say... undisclosed redistribution of financial assets that just so happened to take place in her parent's estate. Her name was Sunshine Pure Golden, Sun for short, and she was a noble blooded Tabaxi. Sun had a passion for music and magic and was set on one day becoming a famous entertainer (bard). When the two first met, things were a little awkward to say the least but Sun talked her parents out of pressing charges and a relationship quickly bloomed. Her parents obviously didn't think much if anything of Silver and constantly looked down on him. Hoping to put an end to the relationship and rid themselves of such well... “Filth”. Nevertheless, Sun had still seemed to always be able to see and bring out the best in Silver. Over the course of three years, their relationship grew and the pair had completely opened up to one another, both learning and experiencing much with their time together. They even began plans to marry and start a family, with Silver even prepared to leave both guild and past “habits” behind him. Everything seemed to be going perfectly. Unfortunately, tragedy struck Silver's life again and it would change him forever.   Before he officially left the guild, Silver was asked by some senior members to complete one final job. Sun had many doubts about the job and pleaded with Silver to not accept it, but Silver felt that at the very least he owed it to them for all the years they looked after and trained both his brother and him. The job turned out to be a false burglary used as a set up to kill Silver. It was revealed that the same members who set Silver up also set up Cloud years before. Unknown to everyone, Sun had secretly followed Silver to the job. In a tragic turn of events, Sun's life was taken instead of Silver's. In a furious rage, Silver killed two of the members responsible and ended up being caught at the scene, covered in blood and cradling Sun's body.   Silver imprisoned for the first time under multiple accounts of pick-pocketing, breaking & entering, burglary, and the murders of three individuals (including Sunshine Pure Golden). Thanks to his somewhat refined skills and even some connections that he made as a part of The Midnight Claws, Silver was able to escape within a month of imprisonment. Now in a depressed state and without Sun to keep him in check, Silver quickly returned to his old habits. This resulted in a downward spiral of sloppily committing crimes, being imprisoned, and escaping just to commit another crime and so on... After almost two years after Sun's death Silver's luck may have took one last turn. After his last incarceration, Silver met a powerful spellcaster who said she could be able to grant Silver's deepest desire but in exchange, Silver would have to grant one request. Now Silver is trying to amass a great fortune and treasures to give the enchantress, so that she would bring his one and only Sunshine back.   After a while of adventuring with a specific motley group, Silver found himself in the Shadowfell. Met some interesting individuals and died... He was brought back to life many many years later and sent to the Material Plane, with help of a being known as "G.G."

Gender Identity





  • Unofficial schooling from Older Brother
  • Training from Thieves' Guild
  • Very slight teachings from "G.G."


  • Ex-member of Thieves' Guild
  • Adventurer

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Meeting Sun
  • Dying

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Joining the Thieves' Guild
  • Getting Sun Killed
  • Dying

Mental Trauma

  • Emotional Detachment
  • Minor Touch Aversion
  • Fluctuating Kleptomania

Intellectual Characteristics

  • Criminal Knowledge
  • Magical (Slight)
  • Planar (Very Slight)

Morality & Philosophy


"Whatever it takes."


"Whatever it takes, within reason."





Unnecessary Killing

Personality Characteristics


Bring Sun back

Likes & Dislikes

Likes Gold Likes Coffee Enjoys the Night and Twilight Hates Hags

Virtues & Personality perks

Rather levelheaded and laid back

Vices & Personality flaws

Compulsive Easily Distracted Often Times too Easygoing Lightweight when Drinking Easily Manipulated (Especially when money is involved)

Personality Quirks

Crouches or "perches" instead of actually sitting. Light purr when content or interest has been peaked. Rather restless hands, always seems to be doing something with them.


Keeps himself rather tidy but most of his equipment, except for his rapier and necklace, are in slightly shabbier condition.


Contacts & Relations

Fuegore Altear (Old Adventuring Party) "G.G." (?) Sunshine (BelovedDeceased}

Family Ties

Cloud (BrotherDeceased}

Religious Views

"The Gods are around but they don't really do anything for me. If you want to follow some 'superior being', then that's your business."

Social Aptitude

Around average but seemingly unfiltered. Treats pretty much everyone as an equal. Seemingly prefers to be alone, but keeps beneficial connections. More accustomed to bending the truth than just being openly honest.

Hobbies & Pets

Playing Cards Cooking Learning and picking up new things "Rule Breaking"


Usually speaks in a non-direct or roundabout way.

Wealth & Financial state

Lower class. Wants money, but is willing to invest in things that could be beneficial in the future.
Divine Classification
Originally: Chaotic Neutral Currently: Rebel Neutral
Current Location
1261 1237 24 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Second and final child to semi-dysfunctional family. (Resurrected in the year 764 by "G.G.")
Circumstances of Death
Heart was ripped out by a Hag.
Old World
Current Residence
Culville (Officially), Thunderbolts (Mainly Resides)
Green and Yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
160 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Well, fuck..." "Ah shit..."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Undercommon
  • Thri-Kreen
Ruled Locations

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