Do the Gods Know?

The True Nature of The Calamity


The Old World was created by <Baby God>. They wanted a world to play with like their other siblings had. This god taught all the races about their siblings; various pantheons sprung up in worship of all the gods. The other gods turned their attention away from their own worlds spread across the Universe to this one. They fought jealously, as siblings do, over the affections of the mortals. This is the theory behind the natural disasters.   The god <Daddy God> became so annoyed by the constant squabbling that he punched the world into oblivion. His fist was the meteor that shattered the planet - The Calamity. The gods, cowed by their parent's wrath, abandoned the World, and there have been no signs of them ever returning.

Historical Basis

The World was destroyed. This is fact. The smoldering remains of the Old World loom ever-present in the skies.   According to historical records and oral tradition, clerics before The Calamity were able to speak directly to their chosen gods. Now, clerics rely on esoteric signs in the hopes that their gods are still listening.   Natural disasters are nearly non-existent now. Scholars attribute this mainly to the new shape of the World.


Everyone knows this myth, it is part of the World's culture.

Variations & Mutation

It is universally accepted that the gods are responsible for the actual shattering of the World.   Most believe that the Godwar was inevitable and people could not have changed the outcome. Others believe that if people had been more adamant about appeasing the gods that we could have avoided the Godwar and The Calamity altogether.

Cultural Reception

Clerics have lost a lot of their validity, they have been reduced to not much more than soothsayers after the departure of the gods. There are not a lot of truly religious people anymore. The few who held on to their faiths believe that the current state of the World is some sort of eternal punishment.   The vast majority of people have simply accepted that this is how things are now. With the departure of the gods, the natural disasters have also calmed which has made life somewhat easier than it was before, all things considered.   Whether or not the gods care about what ruin they caused, or indeed if they were truly aware of their effects on the World at all is a hotly debated topic amongst scholars ruin they caused
Date of First Recording
67 A.C. (After Calamity)
Date of Setting
0 A.C.