The Calamity

From the desk of the Head Literator:

The gods are at war. This is not unusual, the gods are always at war. Wildfires, earthquakes, tornados, the simple changing of the seasons… these phenomena are borne of the ever-present warfare. Every disaster and prosperous time alike brings us to a better understanding of the world around us.   It is not for us simple mortals to undertand why they fight. It is merely part of life. Life that our gods saw fit to breathe into us. Clerics and scholars have argued for eons over whether the gods see the effects they have on the world; all agree that the gods have their reasons for battling in the heavens, and they would never truly disrupt the lives of their beloved creations below.   So we believed.   These disasters, these “tests” as the clerics believed, became increasingly destructive. Within a few short, arduous years, forests burned to ash, coasts drowned in hurricanes and tidal waves, fertile land was torn asunder by earthquakes and tornados. People everywhere were wrested from their homes and forced to start over with nothing.   We are a resilient people. As the Godwar sundered the lands, the survivors moved inward to the <central mountains> and established large, interconnected colonies clinging to the rocks. Our shared strife created a sense of community and togetherness which allowed us to weather the increasing destruction. Races from all across the lands trickled in and joined. We adjusted, and life settled into a cycle of relative calm and rebuilding. For a time, it seemed as though this was the Gods' plans all along.   Then, the Astromancers saw the meteor.


Tornados and earthquakes in the plains.   Hurricanes and tidal waves on the coasts.   Wildfires in the forests.   The "final" Calamity sundered the world into what we know today.