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Ezria Penret

Ezria Penret

I do not remember my parents. I remember the touch of grace as I was born, and the bitter cold of the air on my skin. The first time I knew what I was, I was far into my training with a guild my parents had entrusted me. Their name, Blackdren Paladins.    And they are the ones I have sworn my life to destroy.    I was vigilant, blessed, and naïve. They became my family—they were my family. I grew with them, traveled with them, and laid my life on the line for them. Their faces are etched into my mind; the way they sound, act, and behave.    Upon the dawning of my eighteenth birthday, I was gagged and kidnapped from my slumber. I was brought to a room I did not recognize, only my Morningstar in hand. My guild was gathered around me, and five others dressed in modest garb were gagged and tied just as I had been not even moments before.    “How much does your life mean to you?” They asked me.    I asked them to explain. I demanded. These could not be the people I had trained with for years. I would not believe it.    They told me to do the right thing, to make them pay for what the five individuals had done. They must pay the deity, with their life. They said, if I were to not follow through, then Tharzidun would not mind a sixth sacrifice.    “How much does your life mean to you?” They asked me again.    I slaughtered them, one by one. Their faces remained covered; I could not bear to look them in the eyes. With each stroke I dealt upon them, I felt my blessing fade. But I was so filled with terror, with pain and hurt, I did not yet fully understand what was happening. I did not want to die.    That same night, I ran. I ran until my legs gave out, and I could hear their distant shouts and see the flicker of torches in search of me as I trudged on. The weight of what I had done did not settle until I asked for refuge at the temple of my deity. I asked for privacy, and spoke solemnly to the one I had failed.    I asked what I must do to appease him, and the order was quite clear: obtain vengeance.

Charismatic, Religious, and fueled by Vengeance.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Current Status
Wandering around the Wildlands, aiding the needy
Circumstances of Birth
Blessed Birth from normal human to Aasimar
Current Residence
Lathander's Temple
Light Blue
Long white hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white, Scar on neck
150 lb

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