The Feast of Saint Andral in the Obscured Seas | World Anvil
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The Feast of Saint Andral

I wonder, does cattle call the butcher a monster?

The Feast of Saint Andral was an event taking place in Vallaki, in the lands of Barovia. It was planned out by Strahd von Zarovich to originally harass the inhabitants of Vallaki, but it was soon abandoned as he found out about Ireena Kolyana. As the Danger Strangers traveled towards Vallaki it was however set in motion once more to derive Saint Andral's Church from its hallowed protection, thus no longer making it a viable shelter for Ireena Kolyana.
The Danger Strangers were asked by Father Lucian Petrovich to return the Bones of Saint Andral to Saint Andral's Church. They were recently stolen by Milivoj at the behest of Hendrik van der Voort. The Danger Strangers successfully obtained the artifact and once again hallowed Saint Andral's Church.
With this, the original Feast of Saint Andral and the subsequent slaughter in Saint Andral's Church was avoided. However, Strahd von Zarovich in the meantime managed to get hold of Ireena Kolyana in his guise as Vasilli von Holtz, and covered his dramatic retreat with the vampire spawn intended for the Feast. Whilst the Danger Strangers managed to slay all vampire spawns, it still resulted in multiple deaths among the inhabitants of Vallaki.

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