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Hanflock is the capital of Casia


Hanflock is a very unwelcoming place for those not of Casian heritage. Outsiders are allowed only to pass through the capital, no stops allowed, all while being shot with intimidating stares from all around. Casians that live in Hanflock live in the same houses, struggling to survive the cold climate.


Hanflock doesn't have many written laws, they have many unwritten ones. Criminals are harshly punished, for example, those caught stealing have their hands chopped off, those caught killing are executed, those caught raping have their genitals removed, so on so forth. Although they commit horrible crimes on their raids, Casians tend to avoid them when at home.


Hanflock has large wooden walls surrounding it, protecting it from people and monsters alike. That is, however, the extent of their defenses, relying heavily on manpower to drive off invaders.

Industry & Trade

The people of Hanflock do not live by producing their own goods, nor by trading, Hanflock's main source of income, much like most other settlements in Casia, comes from the relentless and savage raids against other kingdoms, they kill the men, take everything that is of value, rape and capture the women, then return home to sell the women and goods while keeping the ones they like for themselves.


Hanflock has numerous longhouses, with the king's longhouse being the biggest one by far. Many forges and butchers are present, training grounds and very a small amount of shops exist in Hanflock. Hanflock has one of the biggest kennels in Casia, there they breed hounds fit for war.


There are a lot of Barracks and storage for equipment in Hanflock,  Loot houses are also many in quantity, being used for storing goods taken during raids.


Built through war and blood, Hanflock was once a temporary camp for raiding, but the previous warlord that commanded it was so successful with his raids that he gathered enough money and resources to build his own city, continuing to grow until it became the biggest one in Casia, know now as its capital.


Casians are very racist and narrow-minded, making tourism impossible, for those who attempt to visit Hanflock, the best scenario is you pass through it and live.


Structures in Hanflock are solely made out of wood and tend to be elongated while looking mostly the same.


Hanflock is surrounded by a freezing tundra and vicious wildlife/monsters, deviating from the roads in Casia without being with a moving raiding party is a death wish. If the tundra wasn't dangerous enough, there are also the frozen mountains to the north, those who venture there never return.

Natural Resources

There is little to no wood accessible to Hanflock, the temperature is too low to grow any crops, and animals barely survive the cold.  The citizens of Hanflock have to resort to the only other option, if they can't produce their own goods, then they will take from those who can.
Founding Date
572 RD
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location