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Ivory is the second biggest capital in The Obsidian Vale, bustling with people moving through its roads. In Ivory, the vast majority of citizens live in poverty, while a small amount of live like kings, there is no in-between in the capital. Only the brightest of minds are given the pleasures of riches, while the average citizen struggles to get food for the day. Ivory has poets, historians, archeologists, alchemists, cartographers, and many more types of intellectuals.


Ivory has strict laws and pays the resident pirates to make sure their laws are followed. because of the big difference in wealth classes, the majority of citizens of Ivory suffer at the hands of taxation, many skipping meals to not lose their homes. Ivory is run by knowledge, and those who can provide it are greatly rewarded, but those who can't get nothing.


Ivory has large stone walls surrounding it, and thanks to their powerful pirate navy Ivory is a very safe place to live. The external walls have mounted ballistas and stationed guards, ready to defend the capital.

Industry & Trade

The capital of Geladesh, Ivory, receives the majority of its income from selling books, be it poems, fairy tales, historically accurate events, all kinds are sold. Besides selling books, the pirates of Geladesh provide a vast amount of rare and exotic resources that are plundered from other ships and the uncharted islands, trading with Ivory and allowing the Capital to re-sell these goods at a higher price.


Ivory has great libraries and museums, a perfect place to quench the thirstiest of minds.


Ivory has many stores and markets, mainly selling books or general goods, the eventual ancient trinket can be found here. There is a big shipyard in Ivory, where pirates gather and merchants sell ships of the highest quality.


Ivory was once a pirate town, run by a feared powerful pirate captain of the time, but a Geladeshian Professor saw the opportunity for diplomacy, and after years of deals and trades, Ivory eventually became a city home to pirates and intellectual alike, living in harmony and slowly expanding into the biggest city in Geladesh, becoming its capital


Ivory has a pleasant tropical climate, cool breezes and the beautiful scenario make it impossible not to visit, the long river that leads towards the sea together with palm trees and a setting sun complete the view. Those who visit Geladesh either spend their time in the various libraries and museums or in taverns drinking ale with pirates, either way, without a good amount of money the max a tourist can do in Ivory is watch the sunset then sleep in an alleyway.


Buildings in Ivory are beautifully carved, making each pillar a piece of artwork in itself, buildings are made out of timber, clay, and plaster, giving them a clean yet exotic look.


The surrounding area of Ivory is hilly with tropical plant life and a river that provides the capital with fresh water. Moving further inland the trees and plant life become more and more numerous, while the beaches are clear of any trees, with fine sand as far as the eye can see.

Natural Resources

The surrounding area provides Ivory with wood, freshwater, fertile soil for crops, and fish for food.
Founding Date
337 RD
Ruling/Owning Rank


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