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Linh Goddess of the Hunt

Alignment: Neutral Good   Domains: Nature   Pantheon: Obsidian   Symbol: A white bow bellow a white glowing crown   Linh, the Goddess of the Hunt spent her days hunting the most powerful and elusive pray, her most devout followers would be blessed with enhanced senses during their hunts, she was prideful and dangerous, but also inspiring.   The religion of Linh, the goddess of the hunt, is a nature-based religion that centers around the worship and veneration of the goddess herself. Followers of Linh believe that she is the embodiment of the wild and the protector of the animals and nature. They believe that by paying homage to her, they will be successful in their hunting endeavors and be able to live in harmony with nature. Customs of the religion include regular prayer and offerings to Linh, usually in the form of fruits, berries, and other natural materials. Many followers also participate in rituals and ceremonies dedicated to the goddess, which often involve hunting or other outdoor activities.   One of the most important ceremonies for the followers of Linh is the ritual of the hunt. This ceremony is held before a hunting trip, and it involves praying to Linh for guidance, protection, and success. Followers would make offerings to the goddess, such as fruits and berries, and perform rituals to ask for her blessings.   Followers of Linh are expected to live their lives in harmony with nature, and to respect the animals and the environment.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity


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