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The Varenagos Fleet

Early in the 2000s Vol, Salibret Varenagos operated a fleet of conduit / sail hybrid boats for the purpose of providing swift humanitarian aid throughout the Cluster Islands.


As heir to one of the oldest and wealthiest bloodlines, Salibret had the means to buy, outfit, and staff a fleet that comprised 70 boats at its peak, ranging in size from small-passenger boats to converted mother ships. Another valuable asset was Salibret's influence in Zaiyev politics, despite the Unity's strong presence. Under the protection of humanitarian right-of-way, the Varenagos fleet had the freedom to travel anywhere without being stopped for search and interrogation.


Before the opening of the conduits, there was no organized rescue service in the Cluster Islands. From 2007 to 2014 Vol a fleet of Unity conduit boats transported patients to Galtern from around the cluster, ending when Walemin died and Kezlaf took over as Uniter. When he disbanded the fleet, Salibret stepped into the gap.   She began by recruiting pilots, offering them compensation for the use of their boats. Some boats she bought outright in order to convert them to conduit compatibility while retaining their freesailing ability. As the size of the fleet increased, Salibret delegated mission planning to her most trusted pilots and tapped Tremmew, among the first to join the fleet, as second in command. In 2024 Vol, when her declining health left her bedridden, Salibret handed over control of the fleet to Tremmew. He managed the organization under her advisement until her death the following year, and from then on was in sole command.


In 2030 Vol Kezlaf launched a weapon that triggered first one and then the other of Zaiyev's two largest volcanoes. Most of the fleet was destroyed by falling rock and ash, and Tremmew was among those killed in the first wave of lahars.  


For the next ten years the Dissolvers were the only organization performing emergency transport, moving thousands of people endangered by the Unity. Some of Delu's boats were salvaged from the Varenagos fleet itself, but after the Dissolution of the Unity in 2040 Vol, Salibret's daughter Alcendis Varenonde demanded the return of her inherited property. She then donated these boats to the Cluster Islands' new council as the beginning of To Reach, a direct successor to her mother's fleet.

2015 - 2030

Successor Organization
Related Ethnicities

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