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History of The Octant

The Universal Enforcement Agency (UEA) employs a unique time/date system based on Universal Ticks (UT) from a distant pulsar beyond the Void Frontier. This system has been adopted after observing the pulsar for an extended period of time due to its precisely timed signals. The UEA time system units are as follows:

Time Units
UT (Universal Ticks): About 10 Earth seconds.
Astral: 6 UTs, equivalent to 1 Earth minute.
Lumen: 60 Astrals, equivalent to 1 Earth hour.
Date Units
Cycle (Cy): 24 Lumens, equivalent to 1 Earth day.
Stellar (S): 365 Cycles, equivalent to 1 Earth year.
Centurion (C): 100 Stellars, equivalent to 100 Earth years.
Eternum (E): 10 Centurions, equivalent to 1,000 Earth years.
  This timeline follows the UEA’s dating system. AU (Anteris Unital) covers the time before the UEA was established, while PU (Post Unital) marks the periods after. Keep in mind, AU dates are the UEA's educated estimates due to sparse historical data. Before the UEA, the universe was like a vast tapestry. Though civilizations were advanced, they mostly kept to themselves, recording their own events, achievements, and disasters. Unfortunately, many records vanished, whether from the collapse of civilizations or major planetary events. Humanity, spread across numerous star systems, didn't have a shared foundation for history, leading to fragmented and sometimes mismatched stories. With the rise of the UEA, a central authority emerged, offering not just governance but also a unified way to document history. This new era created a consistent method for charting history, merging various accounts into one cohesive narrative.

Anteris Unital (pre-UEA)

0 AU to 25,112E AU

  • 0 AU
    Dawn of Faster-Than-Light Travel
    Era beginning/end

    Around this time, it is believed that initial ventures into FTL travel began, with the preliminary versions of the Alcubierre Drive noted for their unpredictability.

  • 950E AU
    Genesis of The Center (Secret)

    A perilous mission to colonize an alien planet inadvertently leads to the discovery of the Primordials, enigmatic beings transcending time and space. The survivors of this hazardous endeavor band together to form what would later be known as The Center. Its existence, along with knowledge of the Primordials, remains a closely guarded secret. See The Center

  • 1,000E AU
    Etera Seeding
    Population Migration / Travel

    Data remnants suggest that the dawn of Etera's colonization began around this era.

  • 2,500E AU
    The Eterian Zenith
    Cultural event

    Etera is described in fragmented tales as a beacon of both culture and science, spreading its influence across many star systems.

  • 2,503E AU
    Antimatter Mastery
    Scientific achievement

    Harnessing of volatile antimatter changed the course of cosmic progression, as indicated in sparse recovered logs from this time period.

  • 2,504E AU
    Emergence of Light-Speed Communication
    Technological achievement

    Ancient digital records point towards the establishment of laser communications during this time, a pivotal leap in interstellar data transmission. They likely relied on high-powered lasers to transmit data in the form of modulated light waves across vast interstellar distances. Receiving stations, equipped with high sensitivity light detectors, would then demodulate these signals, converting them back into usable information. Despite its relative simplicity and directness, this early form of communication was likely fraught with challenges. Among them were signal dispersion, the risk of data loss due to cosmic dust and gas, and the need for highly precise alignment between transmitting and receiving stations.

  • 4,000E AU
    The Eterian Schism
    Cultural event

    Records suggest that societal differences led to divisions within Eterian territories and ideologies. These factions, initially differing in ideologies and lifestyles, begin to scatter across various regions, laying the groundwork for distinct evolutionary paths.

  • 5,500E AU
    Emergence of Echolites
    Population Migration / Travel

    Digital remnants paint a portrait of a faction evolving into the Echolites amidst urban sprawls that will later be central to the Heartworlds of the Nexus Octant. Initially reflecting the rich diversity of the Eterians, generations of intermingling and adaptation to their technology-integrated environment catalyze the evolution of distinctive physical traits and longer lifespans averaging 200-250 years.

  • 8,000 AU
    Emergence of Scarpines
    Population Migration / Travel

    Amidst the ranks of Eterian colonists venturing into volatile star systems, a faction molds into the sturdy and resilient Scarpines. Decoded data speaks of the original Scarpines, who carved their legacy in the tumultuous star systems that would later be delineated as the Helix Reach Octant. Their evolution, dictated by harsh environments, fosters a shorter, robust stature and an average lifespan of 120-150 years. Over time, their genes craft a narrative of survival and resilience, with the capacity to withstand adversities that their ancestral Eterians could not have endured. The Scarpine society is a testament to the power of resilience, survival, and communal support, with each individual contributing to the well-being of the whole. Their fierce love for their rugged homelands binds their cultural identity to the challenging landscapes they inhabit.

  • 10,500E AU
    Emergence of Luminans
    Population Migration / Travel

    In areas that would later be categorized as the Zephyr Octant, tales emerge of the Luminans, evolving to harmonize with their radiant surroundings. Their evolutionary journey is marked by adaptations to high levels of cosmic radiation, resulting in slightly bioluminescent skin and remarkable lifespans of up to 500 years. This prolonged interaction with their environment shapes a deeply spiritual and harmonious society, where wisdom amassed over centuries bestows them with revered roles as healers and peacekeepers in the universe.

  • 12,000E AU
    Emergence of Rimkind
    Population Migration / Travel

    In the region that would later be named the Horizon Belt Octant, the Rimkind emerged—curious star wanderers inspired by the vast cosmos. Their evolution, shaped by isolation and cosmic challenges, gave them tall, slender forms and skin hues reminiscent of distant stars. Living as nomads, they embraced the universe's unpredictability, which resulted in varied lifespans and a keen sense for navigation in space's unknown expanses. Rimkind culture prizes freedom, adaptability, and exploration, distinguished by their superior navigation prowess, resourcefulness, and intimate knowledge of the cosmos.

  • 14,000E AU
    Decline of Original Eterian Culture

    As the eternums drift by, fragmented echoes suggest that Etera's once monumental presence started to dim. The original Eterians, pure in lineage, dwindled amidst the rising tapestry of their diverse progeny, each proudly bearing and building upon the Eterian heritage.

  • 15,000E AU
    The Eterian Reformation
    Cultural event

    Parsed chronicles speak of a fervor, a desperate yearning among the remaining pure-blooded Eterians to rekindle the flames of their ancestral culture and governance. This temporal renaissance, rich in art and knowledge, yearns to stitch together the stories and wisdom of ancient Etera. However, the irrevocable divergence and identities of the new subspecies hint at an insurmountable chasm.

  • 17,500E AU
    Fall of Old Etera
    Era beginning/end

    Amidst fragmented records, it becomes evident that old Etera, in all its majesty, succumbed. External pressures and internal schisms fractured its once indomitable spirit. The subspecies, blossoming in their own lights, began shaping new tales, paying homage to Eterian heritage while writing their own cosmic destinies.

  • 17,600E AU
    Earth's Desolation (Secret)
    Disaster / Destruction

    An unnoticed sixth extinction event ravages Earth, a planet that was mostly insignificant in the galactic community and that had been mostly abandoned by humanity. The few remnants of human life remaining on Earth are obliterated, and any traces of the planet's existence are deliberately obscured by The Center. Their clandestine actions aim to safeguard the secrecy of their organization and the true origins of humanity.

  • 19,500E AU
    Age of Subspecies Dominance
    Era beginning/end

    The universe witnesses the ascension of Echolites, Scarpines, Luminians, and Rimkind, with records suggesting their dominance in the known realms. The cosmos, sans Eterian guidance, resonates with dissonance and clashing symphonies.

  • 19,700 AU
    The Second Dawn of Man on Earth (Secret)
    Population Migration / Travel

    An unmanned transport ship, operated by an intergalactic corporation, crash-lands on Earth. Its cargo: a tribe of human subspecies who had, over thousands of Eternums, devolved into a primitive state. Originally colonizers, these humans regressed following a calamitous event on a hostile planet that halted their societal and technological progression. Destined for the slave markets, their unexpected arrival on Earth instead marks a new beginning for human life on the long-abandoned cradle of humanity. From this point, it will take millions of years for these early humans to rise to the age of space travel, mirroring the evolution of early hominids on Earth approximately 6-7 million years ago in real life.

  • 24,045E-3C-1S AU
    The Treaty of Unity
    Diplomatic action

    As cosmic unrest reaches its zenith, fragmentary accounts describe a pivotal gathering. A coalition, unprecedented in scale, seeks to rewrite the narrative, drafting the "Treaty of Unity". This accord, records suggest, laid foundational stones for a cosmos inching towards harmony.

  • 24,150E-4C-3S AU
    Founding of the Echolitian Galactic Council
    Diplomatic action

    Following the nascent successes of the unity pact, records recount the rise of the Echolitian Galactic Council. Established by visionary Echolites, this assembly aims to bridge rifts, celebrate shared legacies, and chart a united way forward in a cosmos abundant with tales, legacies, and dreams.

  • 24,215E-9C AU
    The Crisis of The Outer Worlds

    As the Echolitian Galactic Council works to unite the known universe, sparse records emerge from the outer worlds. Records from these distant territories, perceived as the cosmic frontier, teem with stories of discord, dwindling resources, and societal convulsions. The undercurrents from these realms suggest a looming uncertainty, threatening to overshadow the collaborative spirit fostered by the council.

  • 24,234E-9C-6S AU
    Formation of the Coalition of Echelon
    Diplomatic action

    Records speak of a pivotal juncture when the outer worlds' challenges beckoned a more profound unity. In what's perceived as a council's endeavor, the Coalition of Echelon takes form. This nexus, seemingly a tapestry of diverse cosmic cultures, aspires to meld resources, intellect, and might to bring serenity to the frontier realms. Historians often speculate that this might have been the embryonic phase of what later became the UEA.

  • 24,235E AU to 25,112E AU
    The Dawn of Enlightenment
    Cultural event

    Records suggest that during these eons, the cosmos experienced a profound metamorphosis. A fervor for knowledge, intertwined with artistry and deep philosophical introspection, began to permeate the universe. Pioneers from myriad worlds seemingly converged, igniting discourses on existence, unity, and the very fabric of life. This vibrant phase hints at the universe inching closer, weaving a tapestry of shared destinies. Amidst this mixture of innovation, collaboration, and exploration, the contours of a unified cosmic vision start to emerge, suggesting the dawn of an age where unity and collective endeavors would take center stage.

Postis Unital (post-UEA)

0 PU and Beyond

  • 0 PU
    The establishment of the Universal Enforcement Agency (UEA)
    Era beginning/end

    As civilizations in the boundless expanses of the interstellar realm advance and grapple with intensifying security challenges, the UEA emerges as a centralized law enforcement authority, holding jurisdiction across the known universe. Its mission centers on safeguarding peace, nurturing order, and ensuring justice. The UEA's establishment, driven by the recognition of a unified force's necessity following countless millennia of human expansion and conflict, triggers a transformative shift in universal governance and order. It becomes the forerunner in systematically recording and preserving historical events scattered across the cosmos, addressing the persistent issue of inconsistencies and information loss in written records. Consequently, pre-UEA narratives are generally viewed as unreliable. While the true origins of humanity and the onset of Faster-Than-Light (FTL) travel remain unknown, prevailing beliefs suggest FTL travel commenced somewhere around 25,000 Eternums before the formation of the UEA, or AU (Anteris Unital). The shroud of time obscures definitive proof, and there are an abundance of theories across the Octant.

  • 5S PU
    Division of the Universe, Formation of The Octant
    Diplomatic action

    Faced with the rapidly expanding known universe, the UEA spearheads an intricate plan of division and organization. This extensive restructuring resonates profoundly within the outer rim sectors, now meticulously divided, assigned official names and nicknames, and subjected to a more systematic governance structure. The sectors are formally numbered, but over time they earn colloquial names: 1. Nexus, 2. The Arm, 3. Helix Reach, 4. Echelon, 5. Zephyr, 6. Horizon Belt, 7. Starfallen Basin, 8. Void Frontier. Sectors 1 through 4 evolve into the UEA's "Core Sectors," signifying regions where UEA influence and governance are strongest. Numerous outer rim planets and coalitions in Sectors 5 through 8 resist assimilation under the UEA's banner while abstaining from formal war declarations. The UEA claims theoretical dominion over these territories without resorting to military action. The reality is a strategic act of overlooking most dissenters to avoid disrupting the precarious equilibrium. The birth of the Octant - a conglomerate of the eight sectors - is a strategic masterstroke, significantly enhancing governance efficacy and coordination within the UEA's sphere.

  • 45S PU
    Introduction of Universal Ticks (UT) in UEA Sectors
    Technological achievement

    To tackle the complexity of diverse time cycles across burgeoning civilizations, the UEA introduces the concept of Universal Ticks (UT). The UT system brings consistency and clarity, with its effects most keenly experienced by inhabitants of UEA-regulated sectors, as their local time systems are replaced or harmonized with UT. The zero point in this system is backdated to coincide with the formation of the UEA.

  • 1C-1S PU
    Introduction of Starlanes
    Scientific achievement

    The UEA deploys an enhanced and standardized form of FTL travel using specially constructed pathways known as "Starlanes." The Starlanes utilize the principles of the Alcubierre Drive, creating artificially stabilized regions of spacetime where spacetime can be 'inflated' and 'deflated', allowing for safe, reliable, and precise FTL travel.

  • 1C-67S PU
    The Prosperity Protocol
    Financial Event

    This grand economic and resource management plan signals the UEA's commitment to ensuring growth and prosperity across all sectors, mirroring the collaborative spirit that characterized the UEA's formative years. This protocol ignites a period of rapid growth, elevating the quality of life universally.

  • 2C-1S PU
    Development of Comm Links
    Technological achievement

    To overcome the vast distances in space, the UEA introduces 'Comm Links.' These devices, leveraging the principles of Quantum Entanglement, allow for instantaneous communication across vast distances. They come in various forms, ranging from personal handheld devices to large, stationary units installed in space stations, planetary bases, and ships. Additionally, large, heavily shielded Comm Link stations are established across the universe, serving as crucial communication nodes.

  • 3C-0S PU
    The Great Data Migration

    To ensure the preservation and accessibility of knowledge and history, the UEA initiates a large-scale project to gather, digitize, and store data from across the universe in a central repository. This also includes a project to translate and standardize information into a universal language, promoting understanding and cooperation across different species and cultures.

  • 3C-50S PU
    The Diminishing Drive for Exploration
    Cultural event

    With the known universe reaching a colossal size, the need for further exploration diminishes, especially within the sectors known as the Starfallen Basin and the Void Frontier. The inhospitable nature of these outer Octants deters large-scale exploration efforts.

  • 3C-67S-256Cy PU
    AI Singularity in the Echolite Territories
    Technological achievement

    In an era marked by rapid advancements, the Echolites spearhead a technological renaissance, achieving the AI Singularity. This pivotal event signifies the birth of an AI that not only embodies the pinnacle of advancement but is also ethical and self-aware. Seamlessly integrating into universal society, it revolutionizes cultures, economies, and daily life. This monumental stride, however, is met with apprehension and skepticism by several factions across the Octant, the Luminans being the most vociferous in their dissent.

  • 3C-75S-10Cy PU
    The Luminan Decree on AI
    Diplomatic action

    Taking a definitive stance against the AI Singularity embraced by the Echolites, the Luminan High Council promulgates the Luminan AI Decree. This formal declaration underscores their dedication to preserving spiritual consciousness and the sanctity of organic life. It vehemently opposes the creation of a fully self-aware, superintelligent AI, fearing the potential erosion of spiritual values and displacement of organic beings. This decree not only formalizes a ban on advanced AI within Luminan territories but also deepens the chasm between the technological and ethical paths of the Echolites and the Luminans, polarizing other civilizations in the Octant and steering them towards an inevitable confrontation.

  • 3C-88S-105Cy PU
    The Seraphim Crisis
    Military: War

    The ideological chasm widens into a glaring fault line, igniting the flames of the Seraphim Crisis - a large-scale conflict engulfing both Echolite and Luminan territories. This war, characterized by a clash of technology and spirituality, marks a dark chapter in the universal history where alliances are tested and civilizations are pushed to the brink of collapse.

  • 5C-55S-0Cy PU
    The Accords of Celestial Harmony
    Diplomatic action

    In the wake of devastating conflicts and losses, the warring factions convene to forge a path to peace. Some of the wealthiest planets in the Octant form the Elysium Coalition. The result is the Accords of Celestial Harmony, a groundbreaking treaty signed within the nurturing confines of the newly established Elysium Coalition. This treaty not only ends the Seraphim Crisis but also lays the foundation for an era of cautious collaboration, with checks and balances on technological advancements to prevent a recurrence of such a catastrophic event.

  • 6C-6S PU
    The Eterian Revival on Old Etera
    Cultural event

    As the echoes of war slowly fade, a resurgence of ancient philosophies and cultures blossoms on homeworld Etera. The Eterian Revival marks a period where society seeks to reconnect with its roots, embracing the wisdom and teachings of ancient Eterian culture. This movement, most predominant on New Etera and in the Echolite territories, also influences other regions across the Octant, fostering a universal renaissance that cherishes the delicate balance between technology and spirituality.

  • 1E-1C-12S PU
    Formation of Vanguard

    The embers of curiosity and exploration are rekindled by a beacon of hope and adventure: Vanguard. Arising in the Exploratory Frontiers, this independent organization unites individuals from various backgrounds in a collective endeavor to chart the unexplored expanses of the universe. Vanguard aims to revive the spirit of adventure and discovery. Comprising a vibrant community of explorers, scientists, and adventurers, Vanguard advocates for peaceful exploration and collaboration amongst civilizations. Firmly grounded in its reverence for the cosmos, Vanguard embarks on journeys that traverse the mysterious and untouched realms, marking the onset of a fresh chapter in the epic of the cosmos. This golden era rekindles a universal fascination with the unknown, as the Vanguard pioneers become iconic figures, idolized by aspirants and dreamers yearning to unravel the secrets of the universe and explore its breathtaking vistas.

  • 2E PU
    UEA Influence in Core Sectors
    Era beginning/end

    At this point, the UEA stands at the pinnacle of its influence, primarily within the Core Sectors of the Octant. However, vast swaths of the universe remain untamed, untouched, or fiercely independent. This period marks 2 Eternums since the formation of the UEA.

  • 2E-7C-77S-223Cy PU
    The Vanguard Anomaly
    Discovery, Exploration

    Vanguard explorers, embarking on a daring expedition beyond the Void Frontier, stumble upon a mysterious cosmic anomaly. Just as their ship prepares to relay crucial data back home, all communications go dark. Vanguard's subsequent rescue missions yield no trace of the ship or its crew. Opting for discretion, Vanguard keeps the incident under wraps.

  • 2E-7C-78S-187Cy
    The Shadow in the Stars

    Start of The Shadow in the Stars, marking the first narrative in this universe. Mo Darin arrives on the planet of Eclipsis to investigate a cult who have been implicated in a series of high-profile kidnappings.