Con Artists

My friend, listen carefully while I bestow upon you many family secrets. You see, I am an artist. I take great care to perfect my craft. One could argue that in and of itself is a craft, but I believe that it simply takes determination to become an artist such as myself. It will be difficult I won't lie to you, but be of good cheer. I will tell you all my secrets.

Now, let's get to the point. No, more flowery talk, my friend. I promise.



To be an artist such as myself one must have training. Both on the job and in a classroom. You see, if you do not have both you will be lacking in one field or the other. If you get on the job training, but lack training in class you do not have the opportunity to practice your skills amongst your peers. If you only have classroom training and no on the job training you will not understand the immense mental stress that happens during a con.

Although these things might be quite simple, this is an art and all art takes years to perfect. This is no different. It takes time to learn how to perform. It takes time to learn how to constantly remember your character. Patience will be a great trait to learn and have.

Career Progression

There are certain steps one must take to become an infamous artist, such as myself. First, one must want to be a great artist. If one does not, then one will not be one. Second, the person must begin taking classes. These classes can involve acting, improv, whatever he thinks will help him become an artist. The third is up to luck. Simply being in the right places, talking to the right people, and maybe someone will see his talent and take him under his wing. Or he will have to learn on the fly, like I did.

You see my friend, I am a self-taught artist. It was tedious and I failed several times, but you see what dedication can do. In twenty years, I could not picture myself willingly giving you this information.

However, I will warn you, not everyone makes it. With high risk comes high reward. And sometimes there is no reward, just high consequences.


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