Defensive Branch

The Defensive Branch also called the D--Branch is a branch in the The US GSA that specializes in defending the buildings and sometimes members of the US GSA. This branch can be broken down into "twigs", which are the different groups led by captains and their lieutenants.



There are at least 35,000 people in the D-Branch. These 25,000 people are split up into several groups. Each group patrols a certain region or building owned by the US GSA. Each of these groups has a leader or overseer.


The D-Branch has access to some of the newest technological gadgets. Particularly when it comes to guns and armor, just like the rest of the branches. However, alot of the D-Branch's equipment specializes in non-lethal methods of immobalization including top of the line stun guns, electrical fences, and even new and improved barbed wire.


At the top of the D-Branch is the general. The general oversees where each group gets sent, hires new recruits, and teaches some trainees. Next are the captains. The captains oversee a group of men decided by the general and the other captains. The group is from 5,000-7,000 depending on the territory needed to be guarded as well as the capabilities of the captain in question. After the captains are the lieutenants, who do much of the ground work for the captains. They stay on the front lines and interact with much more of the crew, helping the captain with arguments or any issues that might come up. Lastly, are the regular soldiers the most important part of any branch.


The Defensive Branch has their trainees go through several physical and mental tests. The physical tests are pretty typical and revolve around the strength and endurance of a soldier. The mental tests involve hypothetical situations, testing how well they apply different tactics and strategies, and how well they could handle the stresses of being on defense.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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Aug 3, 2024 21:57 by Marjorie Ariel

Ooh, I love that the branch is broken into "twigs." Very clever.

Aug 3, 2024 22:50 by Jacqueline Yang

thank you!