Laser System of Defense


Written by: Leon

The answer is yes. I am giving up some family secrets. This better be worth it.
The LSD or Laser System of Defense is something my familyand I have created just for those lovely people who like to visit around midnight or 2 o'clock in the morning. I mean, for those people I just have a special place in my heart. So, me and my family decided to create something absolutely magical for them. A light show.  

Access & Availability

The LSD is owned and created exclusively by my family. As far as I know, no person or criminal organization has lived long enough to figure out how we made this wonderful work of art.



The LSD is quite complex. It is a series of programmed lasers and pressure switches that need to work in a coordinated manner. If it doesn't several bad things could happen. Like the person not getting chopped into peices small enough so we don't have to bury or do any post-killing clean up.

The LSD can be broken down into three main parts. Pressure points, lasers, and bullets. If a person steps on a pressure point, lasers will come up based off of where the pressure point was activated and a series of bullets will follow the trail of the lasers.

Of course, if there are multiple people it can get a little tricky, but the lasers are programmed to not intersect at certain times or if certain pressure points are activated. The guns are also programmed to release their bullets at certain times as well.

One of the frustrating things about the LSD is the difficulty in shutting it down. Because a lot of the lasers and guns were individually programmed for safety and cautionary reasons it can take up to an hour to shut everything down, or to only shut down a few pressurized points, if we don't want to shut it down completely.



One of the reasons for the creation of the LSD was when several people had been caught stealing from me and my family. Apparently, they had been able to do it several times successfully, and we couldn't stand that, so we started developing and researching ways to prevent theives from even thinking about stealing from us.



And, of course, like some weapons, the LSD is not always used responsibly. Sometimes my family and I like to make some popcorn, shut off the guns and just watch the lasers do there thing. Although, there was that one time ████████████
That damn LSD is acting up again! It's such a pain sometimes. Everything's so gosh darn finicky!
— my sister shouting at the computers that control the LSD
Hey, Leon, maybe we can shoot some fireworks tonight! You know what I mean. Like, it's the Fourth of July after all. Wouldn't be complete without blowing something up. RIght?
— my best friend about the LSD
I'm glad we have that LSD. Now, we don't have to set up a 24/7 patrol.
— my dad's opinion on the LSD


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