The Drug Lords Profession in The Offenders' Neighborhood | World Anvil

The Drug Lords

I hope no one followed you here, because if my entire operation is found out due to your lack of attentiveness the blood spilled will be on your hands.

But I'm sure you were careful.

Now, let's move onto business. Shall we?

My title deserves its noble history. I run expansive businesses, somewhat similar to how the lords of old ruled expansive pieces of land. It's a hard, paranoid business, but high risk, high reward.



I'm a business man at heart. You don't have to be, but learn to be good with numbers. It will do you good to know how to bargain and know how to read people. It helps to know if they're truly desperate or just playing with you.

Don't be shy in this business. Be ruthless. Don't take 'no' for an answer and always close the deal. Don't let a buyer just walk away. You must be stubborn and nearly as desperate as they are.

Don't show it, of course.

As a last tip, be in control. You never want to show yourself nervous, panicked, or agitated. Don't show any feelings. Don't give your buyer a foothold on you.

Career Progression

Now, it's a harsh business. Somewhat easy, but don't let that fool you. It takes time to build an empire such as mine. Now, some are content to sell it on the street for all to see, and that's fine, I suppose. A disgrace, but fine.

I was never content with that. You see, people want what I have. This white powder. These various other substances are things that people would die for. Keep that in mind and your business will grow exponentially.

Like everyone you'll start off small. It really is best to start off in the streets, but as a warning, be careful. You don't want a record. Especially early in your career. Once you've gotten some money, start growing. Go to various locations. Learn the lay of the land. It'll take time, but once you've found your spot, stay there, because desperate people are a nearly endless supply of money.


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