The Mercenaries

My job is clear cut. You get one shot for a bag of money. Clearly, something like that takes skill. Something that you probably don't have. You might have a chance, but let's be honest, you really probably don't. I'm not trying to be rude. I'm just trying to stop you from wasting your time. And mine.

The door is right there. I suggest you leave if this isn't...your cup of tea.

    Now that those who were not serious have left, let me show you what I do for a living.



First, you keep your emotions away from the job. Getting attached to people, emotions--they're not good for this kinda gig. Second, you work on your skill. Go to the shooting range and practice. Focus on accuracy, then speed. Always do it that way. Sloppy shots are never an acceptable thing. Third, you keep your mouth shut. If you get captured (which you probably will), you don't say anything.

Now, people like me, we all got our own kinda morals. Find yours. Me personally, I keep my mouth shut. I never tell on my employer and my employer won't ever tell on me. You see, I have a contract. If you want to hire me, you sign it. I suggest you do the same.

Career Progression

Now, you're most definitely going to start off at the bottom of the ladder. Most do, but definitely you. (You've just got that face.) Anyways, you prove yourself slow and steady. You go to the places. (You know them.) And find people. Now don't put out a sign that's just stupid. (Or maybe it's not....) No, it is. You're asking for the feds to come knocking at your door.

What you do is be patient and hang out in the right circles. Eventually, someone small and private will find you and hire you. If you do a good job and don't shoot sloppy, he might just tell his friends.


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