The Spy

The Spy is a disgusting profession. They lie, cheat, and betray. Spies are nothing but double-crossing, up-to- no-good, little pieces of dirt. You do not want to be a spy, at least, in the criminal world. If you're a good citizen then by all means, go ahead and join them.

But let me tell you how the criminals view these kinds of. . . people.

You might think I am being hypocritial. After all, don't criminals do the things that spies do? Do we cheat? Maybe. Steal? Probably. Lie? Yeah. But at least, we don't do it with people that trust us. We do it to random strangers who have money!



In order to be a spy, one must be able to gain trust and move through the ranks quickly. They need to gain the trust of people, so the people will tell the spy whatever he wants to know, and he must gain a high rank in order for him to discover the secrets of the base.

A spy must also be good at lying, a quick thinker, and very good at keeping a hold on his emotions. It wouldn't do a spy any good to get attached to someone and then be unable to follow through with his mission.



Spies are used by the police or various government agencies to go undercover in a criminal ring or organization to glean information on how to take them down and capture those involved. They might also gain information on the weapons and amo used, as well as the types of people who work there.

Social Status

I know some civilians who find spies to be a somewhat noble job. They think it's brave to go "undercover" and risk their lives to gain information for their country or whatever.

We criminals see it just a little bit differently. This is a cowards way. They feel the need to send in a person to do their spying. A person who might very well die. We criminals use drones, cameras, and audio recorders. We don't send in a person to quite possibly be sacrificed for information!

And it's not just sending in a person, it's what they will make the spy do. What lengths a spy will go to gain that information. Not only do they steal information, they lie to us. We trust them with this information, only to have that trust be broken when they give it to the government.

We give them money, because they helped us earn it, but what do they do? Bring it to the government, thereby cheating us!

It's a shameful practice.


Dangers & Hazards

If you do choose to become a spy, for whatever reason, and you are caught, be prepared to undergo a large amount of pain for the next several days. Because we will torture you for information about who you work for, and what information you were trying to get. Of course, if you don't crack we will just kill you.

Alternative Names
Undercover Agents
Being a spy is legal in government associated places.
Used By


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