The Terrorists Profession in The Offenders' Neighborhood | World Anvil

The Terrorists

You don't have to be rich to be me. All you'll need is someone with big bucks to back you up. I know that people don't approve of the way I do things, but I do what I believe is right. The only way you can ever make true change is to get people's attention in a big way. Yes, some of those ways might seem controversial, but those ways start change. Good change. Change that is needed.

What we do might be seen as "wrong" to the world, but to us it's a righteous deed that someone needed to do.



You see, many other criminal professions are heartless. They do things for money and power. I, on the other hand and the other people like me, do it for personal reasons. We do it because we are selfless people willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish what we believe is right. Therefore you must be selfless, passionate, and willing to do whatever it takes for the change you want in your life.

One other thing you must have is stubbornness. You must not back down no matter what anyone says. People don't always listen, but our ways make sure they do. You must be willing to do these ways. Be willing to put them into practice. If you aren't, your change won't come. And isn't that what you want?

Career Progression

The first step is to learn how to fly a plane (just kidding). The real first step is finding what you are passionate about. What change do you want? Know what you are willing to sacrifice and know what you aren't. Know the steps you'll need to take and the people you'll need.

Once the planning is all finished, you will begin your plan. Whatever it may be. Although the results might not be quick, the change will happen.

Finally, you continue on. You do whatever you can to keep the change happening. Although our ways are violent, they are really the only true way for truly, good change to happen. For our change to happen.


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