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Arawn, God of the Dead and Lord of Annwn

Lord of Annwn, The Iron King, Warden of the West, Elf-King, Lord of the Gray Kingdom, The Ghost King, Master of the Wild Hunt, Prince of Tears   Arawn is a gloomy and bitter figure. He was one of two fey leaders (of the elves and the dwarves) who achieved divinity after joining the Gods in the First War against the Giants. Although they were successful, the elves and their descendants hate him for drawing them into a conflict that has seen them lose so much - greatest of all, their immortality. His wife, Hiraeth, killed herself rather than face knowing that her life was finite. She haunts him still as a tantalising, maddened spectre, forever out of reach.   He rules the island of Annwn (which lies in The Otherworld, or over the seas far to the West depending on who you ask) where the souls of the dead spend eternity. But the island also acts as a prison for the fey. He rules this strange kingdom with an iron hand, tolerating little folly or dispute, but often has to defend his position against rebellious fey. He is a skilled swordsman and spellcaster and none have so far bested him in open combat, although his pride sometimes lets others get the better of him for a time. It is said that he leaves Annwn on moonless nights at the head of the Wild Hunt - a group of enslaved fey hunters. Together, they pursue those spirits (whether fey, or the dead) that have managed to escape Annwn’s confines.   Arawn has little to occupy him except to maintain the borders of his realm and see that none of his subjects (or prisoners) escape. As a result he spends most of his time brooding in his Palace of Sorrow, and entertaining occasional visitors from among the gods, honoured dead, or subservient fey lords. Arawn is almost never happy to be disturbed as even these visitors are likely to bring only treachery and betrayal to his empty court.   He is usually depicted as a handsome, pale-skinned elven man - sometimes appearing in full armour, ready for battle, and at other times as a deathly figure clad in a ragged cloak. He is a grim deity not given to celebration, but he is still beholden to his emotions. He takes many lovers though is never satisfied by them for long, and covets the freedom and wealth that other gods (and mortals) have. Although he is a divine king with great power (albeit faded glory), nothing is ever enough to satisfy his jealous nature. Tales speak of his desire for the goddesses Fenya (who had escaped Annwn) and Helith; the latter is said to spend winter in Annwn and it is only she who keeps Arawn from succumbing completely to his darker urges.   Portfolio: the Dead, the Fey, Guardians, Jealousy, Loss, Pride, Tragedy, Wardens
Domains: Darkness, Death, Glory, Protection, Repose
Subdomains: Fortifications, Hubris, Loss, Shadow, Solitude, Souls
Anathema: Spells of freedom or escape (e.g. freedom of movement, liberating command)
Favored Weapon: Great Sword
Holy Symbol: Iron Crown
Associated Animals: Dogs, Horses, Ravens
Superstition: Do not barter with spirits, lest Arawn notice and send the Wild Hunt to imprison you alongside those whose aid you foolishly sought.
Dwelling: Orseth Anring, his Palace of Sorrow, on the isle of Annwn

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