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Helith, Goddess of Fertility and Summer

Midsummer Maid, Harvest Queen, Goddess of Honey and the Vine, Bright Maiden, The Summer Song, Lady of Bounty and Abundance   Helith is a goddess of great importance to farmers, shepherds, and all those who grow crops and work the land. She is a goddess of the fields, and all must appease her with offerings and prayers before they plant their crops. She can bring an abundant harvest to those who pay their proper respects, but woe betide those who fail to make appropriate offerings. While she may overlook occasional transgressions, her displeasure can also bring blight, drought, and famine.   She is a goddess of summer and sunshine, but has a dark side that sees her demand worship above all others. This arrogant vanity has led to her being ostracised by her parents Llyr and Tethys, as well as her siblings and most other gods. She cares not for the lack of closeness with her family, and has moved herself into the orbits of other isolated and outcast gods - tempestuous Svarog and brooding Arawn. They both covet her beauty and charms, and she deigns to spend time with each of them, making demands on them in return, neither seeming to mind that they share her affections.   Helith appears as a beautiful young maiden with bright golden hair. She is usually depicted barefoot, smiling, and wearing a crown of flowers. As the goddess of Midsummer she is worshipped annually in orgiastic rituals of excess, fueled by sacred mead and wine. On this day she is said to walk amongst mortals, and her very presence drives all mad with lust. These festivals are usually accompanied by blood sacrifices (animals, mostly) and it is common to find meadows and fields draped in the gore and viscera of such offerings.   An early tale claims that a mortal king captured her and demanded that she provide a bountiful harvest for his kingdom. She agreed on one condition: that the king bed her in front of his wife. The queen was outraged, but the king was driven by his lusts and eagerly agreed to Helith’s demand. As they lay together, Helith tore out the king’s innards and left him dying in a pool of blood. She gave the king’s entrails to his queen and told her that the fields would be blessed every year if a similar offering was made, and so the tradition of blood sacrifice has continued ever since.   Portfolio: Abundance, Beauty, Fertility, Harvest, Pleasure, Summer, Sunlight, Youth
Domains: Animal, Charm, Plant, Sun, Weather
Subdomains: Captivation, Day, Decay, Lust, Seasons, Thirst
Anathema: Spells that soothe passions or prevent actions (e.g. calm emotions, hold person)
Favored Weapon: Sickle
Holy Symbol: Red And Gold Tickseed
Associated Animals: Cockerel, Horse
Superstition: A child born at Midsummer must be given to a priest of Helith to raise if it is a girl, or must be sacrificed before the next Midsummer if it is a boy. To do otherwise will bring disaster upon the whole community.
Dwelling: Helig Aeng, the Sacred Meadow, Helith’s paradise in the Otherworld

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