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Scathach, Goddess of Fate and Winter

The Winter Crone, Old Doomcrow, The Great Hag, Nornqueen, Dark Grandmother, The Old Woman of Helle   Scathach is the goddess of endings, fate, and death. She knows when all mortals will die and teaches that death is inescapable. Although she is feared by most, some worshippers (especially dwarves) have embraced the knowledge that they cannot change their fate and choose to live every day as if it were their last, in one lifelong celebration.   She is the bringer of snows and frosts, the final slayer of the new life that arose in the spring. The end of the year is her time, and in the dark and cold months, she walks the mortal world seeking those who would escape implacable fate. During these forays she might snatch up particularly wicked mortal souls to follow her back to Helle. Children are taught that she is a monstrous entity who haunts the night, creeping into homes by the chimney to snatch wicked children from their beds.   She is also the goddess of malicious magic and curses, which draws many spellcasters (particularly hags and witches) to her worship. In one tale she transforms one of her lazy daughters into a frozen lake to teach her a lesson. Other tales describe how she keeps her son Skyrdthrymr chained in a cave in the far north, and will only unleash him during the Last War, when it is said he will kill the gods, while eternal winter blankets the world.   Scathach is also a greedy goddess, who loves gold and riches but never displays her wealth. She steals from gods and mortals alike, and it is said that her hidden treasure hoard is the greatest in all the lands, greater even than Llyr’s, but none would dare steal from her.   Like Arawn, she was once a leader of the fey, and achieved divinity after joining the Gods in the First War against the Giants. Unlike Arawn who is hated by his former subjects, Scathach is greatly respected by hers, the dwarves. Although their entire race has fallen on harsh times, they believe this is all part of her plan and that their fate is immutable.   Scathach appears as a bent old crone with a twisted face, long white hair, and one good eye. She is garbed in a white cloak and leaning upon a gnarled staff. When she exits her cave, the icy chill of winter follows her, and her staff causes an instant freeze where it touches the ground. Her breath is a foul fog that is bitter to the senses, and her mere presence causes livestock to wither and crops to die.   Portfolio: Death, Endings, Fate, Inevitability, Malicious Magic, Winter
Domains: Death, Luck, Magic, Trickery, Water
Subdomains: Arcane, Curse, Fate, Greed, Ice, Murder
Anathema: Spells that return the dead to life (e.g. breath of life, raise dead)
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Holy Symbol: Three Crossed Staves (making a Six-Pointed Star)
Associated Animals: Owl, Wolf
Superstition: If you lose something valuable, it’s said that Scathach has taken her share and you’ll be rewarded in the afterlife.
Dwelling: Urfestenhrith, a cave in the Netherworld realm of Helle

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