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Svarog, God of Fire and War

The Red Lord, King of the Gods, Lord of Blood and Ashes, The Burning One, Collector of Heads, The Bloody Storm
  Svarog is a god of rivalry and aggression, who has always been at odds with his brother Llyr. They argue most of all over the souls of the slain. Despite being the god of war itself, Svarog is furious that only half the honoured dead who die in battle find their way to his realm in the afterlife, the other half are sent to Llyr's as king of the gods. Now that it seems the former king of the gods is dead, the god of disasters and storms has taken the throne and presumably is surrounded by the souls of all glorious warriors. Soothsayers have named this The Red Age, the time that leads to the Last War and the end of the world, and it seems only right that Svarog should preside over the final days.
  He is the terrible god of war, and passes over every battlefield, seeking the newly slain to fill his armies in Otherworld. The sight of him will bring madness to those who are not yet dead. His nightmarish approach is felt across the lands - terror and strife are his heralds. He can speak through corpses of the slain, and the battlefield is his garden. His battlecry will kill one hundred men instantly, and turns those who survive against their allies.
  Svarog’s cult revels in battle and bloodshed - the more savage and furious the better. He is not a subtle god, and preaches neither tactics nor cunning, his doctrine is simply that the strongest and most savage will be victorious. Offerings are usually sacrificed foes - the manner of death is not prescribed, but should be terrifying to any who behold it. In battle, his priests ride chariots with bark or bone placed around the wheels to cause noise and clamour as they ride. All must hear Svarog's approach and tremble.
  He is depicted as a magnificent, fiery god, bare chested and brazen. Svarog is a supremely masculine god, and any female would need to work twice as hard to prove herself in his eyes. Amongst the pantheon, his only ally is his niece Helith, whom he lusts after. Although he is an aggressive and unwelcome deity, he is honoured with fire festivals at the end of winter when the weather is still tempestuous but the world is beginning to warm again. He is closely associated with winged monsters: harpies, manticores, dragons, and the wolf-like simurgs that are his symbol.
  Portfolio: Battlefields, Blood, Fire, Fury, Rivalry, Storms, Superiority, Terror, Virility, War
Domains: Destruction, Fire, Strength, War, Weather
Subdomains: Catastrophe, Blood, Ferocity, Hatred, Rage, Storm
Anathema: Spells of healing (e.g. cure light wounds, path of glory)
Favored Weapon: Battle Axe
Holy Symbol: The Simurg (a winged wolf)
Associated Animals: Crows, Wolves
Superstitions: Take the heads of your greatest enemies to remind them even in death that you are their better.
Dwelling: Daergseath, The Red Throne, high above the Otherworld (but which is said to move into the Netherworld on the eve of the Last War)

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